The default device name is: iTuner 320 ME. You can rename the device
as desired.
The following information is an introduction to setting up streaming
music from your computer and other media.
Note that any apps you use to stream music have their own instructions.
Make sure that the media files to be streamed with your device are in
MP3, WMA, WAV or AAC format.
For details about media playback via streaming, refer to the "Media
Center" section.
To stream music from the computer, the following steps must be performed
on the computer:
Connect the computer to the network.
Make sure your device is turned on and connected to the same network
as your computer.
Open the UPnP platform Windows Media Player (11 or later).
Alternatively, you can use other platforms or servers, such as Windows
Media Connection.
Example for Windows XP with Windows Media Player Version 11