Costco 1900374 Guia De Inicio Rapido
Costco 1900374 Guia De Inicio Rapido

Costco 1900374 Guia De Inicio Rapido

Ciervo y trineo navideno
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When using electrical products, basic precautions should always be followed including the following:
a) Do not use seasonal products outdoors unless marked suitable for indoor and outdoor use. When products are used in outdoor applications, connect the product
to a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupting (GFCI) outlet. If one is not provided, contact a qualified electrician for proper installation.
b) This seasonal use product is not intended for permanent installation or use.
c) Do not mount or place near gas or electric heaters, fireplaces, candles or other similar sources of heat.
d) Do not secure the wiring of the product with staples or nails, or place on sharp hooks or nails.
e) Do not let lamps rest on the supply cord or on any wire.
f) Unplug the product when leaving the house, when retiring for the night, or if left unattended.
g) This is an electric product-not a toy! To avoid risk of fire, burns, personal injury and electric shock it should not be played with or placed where small children can
reach it.
h) Do not use this product for other than its intended use.
i) Do not hang ornaments or other objects from cord, wire, or light string.
j) Do not close doors or windows on the product or extension cords as this may damage the wire insulation.
k) Do not cover the product with cloth, paper or any material not part of the product when in use.
l) This product is equipped with non-replaceable type lamps. Do not attempt to replace the lamps.
m) Use only with the Class 2 adaptor provided with this product.
n) Read and follow all instructions that are on the product or provided with the product.
Risk of Fire, shock, or personal injury.
1) Use only with enclosed Class 2 adaptor model TS-13W24V
2) Not for use on outlets controlled by a dimmer.
3) Use only on timer controlled outlets where the timer is rated for use with compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL bulbs) or LED bulbs.
4) Do not attempt to replace bulbs, they are not replaceable.
5) Do not use power adaptor if enclosure is broken or cracked, discard unit.
6) Do not use with a voltage converter.
Use and Care Instructions
a) Before using or reusing, inspect product carefully. Discard any products that have cut, damaged or frayed wire insulation or cords, cracks in the lamp holders
or enclosures, loose connections, or exposed copper wire.
b) When storing the product, carefully remove the product from wherever it is placed to avoid any undue strain or stress on the product conductors,
connections and wires.
c) When not used, store neatly in a cool, dry location protected from sunlight.
d) Do not impact or drop the adaptor, if enclosure is broken or cracked, discard product.
e) The product and the adaptor shall not be installed within 3.048m / 10 ft of a pool, spa, fountain, or other areas of standing water.
Troubleshooting Instructions
If lights do not work:
a) Make sure lights are connected to the Adaptor. Make sure connectors are fully inserted into the Adaptor, and are tight.
b) Make sure the adaptor is plugged into a 120V AC outlet.
c) Make sure the outlet has power (check to see if any switches or timers control the outlet) and not connected to a dimmer switch.
d) If used on a timer controlled outlet, make sure the timer is rated for use with compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL bulbs) or LED bulbs, if not, use on a different
e) If plugged into a GFCI protected outlet, reset the GFCI in case it activated.
Distributed by:
Costco Wholesale Corporation
P.O. Box 34535
Seattle, WA 98124-1535
For customer service (in English, French, and Spanish):
Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM CST
Phone: 1-800-353-3116 (from USA & Canada)
Phone: 001-855-218-8822 (Mexico)
ITM. / ART. 1900374 (US/CA/MX/TW)
Costco Wholesale Canada Ltd.*
415 W. Hunt Club Road
Ottawa, Ontario
K2E 1C5, Canada
* faisant affaire au Québec sous le nom
les Entrepôts Costco
Made in China / 中國製造 / Hecho en China
Importado por:
Importadora Primex S.A. de C.V.
Blvd. Magnocentro No. 4
San Fernando La Herradura
Huixquilucan, Estado de México
C.P. 52765
RFC: IPR-930907-S70
Costco President Taiwan, Inc.
No. 656 Chung-Hwa 5th Road
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Company Tax ID: 96972798
449-9909 or 02-449-9909 (if cellphone)

Resumen de contenidos para Costco 1900374

  • Página 1 HOLIDAY DEER & SLEIGH SET / CERF ET TRAINEAU DES FÊTES / CIERVO Y TRINEO NAVIDEÑ O ITM. / ART. 1900374 (US/CA/MX/TW) IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS When using electrical products, basic precautions should always be followed including the following: READ AND FOLLOW ALL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS a) Do not use seasonal products outdoors unless marked suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
  • Página 2: Important Safety Instructions

    Instruction Manual: Low-Voltage Power Unit for Outdoor Use These instructions are for the low-voltage transformer Model: TS-13W24V IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS When using electrical products, basic precautions should always be practiced including the following: READ AND FOLLOW ALL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Read and follow all instructions that are on the product or provided with the product. Do not use an extension cord.
  • Página 3 HOLIDAY DEER & SLEIGH SET / 雪橇麋鹿聖誕裝飾 / CIERVO Y TRINEO NAVIDEÑO 品項 / 商品編號 1900374 (美國 / 加拿大 / 墨西哥 / 臺灣) 重要的安全說明 使用電子產品時,應隨時遵守下列的基本預防措施: 閱讀並遵守所有的安全說明 請勿在戶外使用季節性產品,除非有標明室內及戶外皆適用。當使用於戶外設施時,應將產品與接地漏電保護插座(GFCI) 相接。若無此保護裝置,則請聯絡合格的電氣技師進行正確的安裝。 本季節性產品不可做為固定安裝或永久使用。 切勿將產品加裝或是放置於靠近瓦斯或電暖爐、壁爐、蠟燭或是其他有類似熱源的場所。 d) 切勿將產品的電線以U型釘或是釘子加以固定,或是放置於尖銳的鈎子或是釘子上。 切勿將燈泡放置於電源線或是任何的電線上方。 當離開屋內、晚上就寢前或是不在的時候皆需將產品的電源線拔除。 g) 本產品為電子類用品 — 並非玩具!為避免發生火災、燃燒、人員受傷及觸電的危險,本產品不可做為遊戲器具或是放置於 孩童接觸得到的地方。 本產品之用途不得超過其原本所預設的使用範圍。...
  • Página 4 使用手冊:戶外用低電壓電源設備 以下為戶外用低電壓電源設備型號:TS-13W24V 之指示說明 重要的安全說明 使用電子產品時,應隨時遵守下列的基本預防措施: 閱讀並遵守所有的安全說明。 閱讀並遵守產品上或是產品所附的所有指示說明。 請勿使用延長線。 參照美國國家電工法規(National Electrical Code) ,ANSI / NFPA 70 或加拿大電氣法規(Canadian Electrical Code)所明定的 電線安裝及電源及避雷針的淨空間距規範。 安裝作業及架線皆需由合格人員遵照所有適用的法規及標準,及包含防火結構來進行施作。 請勿在距離泳池 3.048 公尺 / 10 英尺內安裝或使用。 請勿在浴室使用。 警告: 觸電的危險。於戶外使用時,僅能安裝於裝設A級(Class A)接地漏電保護插座(GFCI)上, 此裝置與連接插座的電源 設備具有防風雨特性。若此裝置並未裝設,請與合格電氣技師聯絡以著手進行正確的安裝作業。確保插座保護蓋完全關閉時,電源 設備及電源線不會受到影響。 警告: 火災的危險。建築結構之安裝架設時,涉及特殊的接線安裝步驟。請於建築結構架設電線之前諮詢合格的電氣技師。 警告: 觸電的危險。將設備裝設於超出地面 0.3 公尺(1呎)的高度(戶外使用時) 。 保存這些指示說明...
  • Página 5 HOLIDAY DEER & SLEIGH SET / CERF ET TRAINEAU DES FÊTES / CIERVO Y TRINEO NAVIDEÑ O ITM. / ART. 1900374 (US/CA/MX/TW) INSTRUCCIONES IMPORTANTES DE SEGURIDAD Al utilizar productos eléctricos, se deben tomar precauciones básicas, incluidas las siguientes: LEA Y SIGA TODAS LAS INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD.
  • Página 6: Instrucciones Importantes De Seguridad

    Manual de instrucciones: Unidad de potencia de poder de bajo voltaje para uso en exteriores Estas instrucciones son para el modelo de transformador de bajo voltaje: TS-13W24V INSTRUCCIONES IMPORTANTES DE SEGURIDAD Al utilizar productos eléctricos, se deben tomar precauciones básicas, incluidas las siguientes: LEA Y SIGA TODAS LAS INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD Lea y siga todas las instrucciones que se indican o se proporcionan con el producto.