Record 21: Day (current date) [read / write].
The value that is sent is the value of the day (0 to 6) in 16-bit binary.
0 Monday
1 Tuesday
2 Wednesday
3 Thursday
4 Friday
5 Saturday
6 Sunday
Default value: 0 [Monday].
This register is not saved in EEPROM, although it remains in the RTC for approximately 1 week without voltage (the regulator integrates a su-
percap that acts as a temporary battery to save the time).
Record 22: Hour: Minutes (current date) [read / write].
High byte: Hour.
The value that is sent is the time value (0h to 23h) in 16-bit binary.
Default value: 0 [0h].
Low byte: Minutes.
The value that is sent is the value of the minutes (0min to 59min) in 16-bit binary.
Default value: 0 [0min].
This register is not saved in EEPROM, although it remains in the RTC for approximately 1 week without voltage (the regulator integrates a su-
percap that acts as a temporary battery to save the time).
Record 23: Start time schedule period 1 MONDAY (hour: minutes) [read / write].
0xAAAA: Time not defined (- -: - -).
High byte: Hour.
The value that is sent is the time value (0h to 23h, 0xAA [170dec]: Not defined) in 16-bit binary.
Default value: 0xAA [170dec] [Not defined].
Low byte: Minutes.
The value that is sent is the value of the minutes (0min to 59min, 0xAA [170dec]: Not defined) in 16-bit binary.
Default value: 0xAA [170dec] [Not defined].
Record 24: End of time programming period 1 MONDAY (hour: minutes) [read / write].
0xAAAA: Time not defined (- -: - -).
High byte: Hour.
The value that is sent is the time value (0h to 23h, 0xAA [170dec]: Not defined) in 16-bit binary.
Default value: 0xAA [170dec] [Not defined].
Low byte: Minutes.
The value that is sent is the value of the minutes (0min to 59min, 0xAA [170dec]: Not defined) in 16-bit binary.
Default value: 0xAA [170dec] [Not defined].
Record 25: Start time schedule period 2 MONDAY (hour: minutes) [read / write].
0xAAAA: Time not defined (- -: - -).
High byte: Hour.
The value that is sent is the time value (0h to 23h, 0xAA [170dec]: Not defined) in 16-bit binary.
Default value: 0xAA [170dec] [Not defined].
Low byte: Minutes.
The value that is sent is the value of the minutes (0min to 59min, 0xAA [170dec]: Not defined) in 16-bit binary.
Default value: 0xAA [170dec] [Not defined].
Record 26: End of time programming for period 2 MONDAY (hour: minutes) [read / write].
0xAAAA: Time not defined (- -: - -).
High byte: Hour.
The value that is sent is the time value (0h to 23h, 0xAA [170dec]: Not defined) in 16-bit binary.
Default value: 0xAA [170dec] [Not defined].
Low byte: Minutes.
The value that is sent is the value of the minutes (0min to 59min, 0xAA [170dec]: Not defined) in 16-bit binary.
Default value: 0xAA [170dec] [Not defined]. Registro 27: Inicio programación horaria período 1 MARTES (hora:minutos) [lectura/escritura].
0xAAAA: Time not defined (- -: - -).