Training Schedule
Follow the training schedule in order to learn the basic bounces before you proceed to more
sophisticated bounces. Read the safety instructions carefully being well aware of their vital
importance both to the supervisor and the person jumping before you begin your training.
The supervising person as well as the jumping person should discuss the trampoline
functions and the functioning of the body.
Ascending and descending – demonstration of proper techniques
Basic bounce – demonstration and exercise
Braking man oeuvre – demonstration and exercise
Hands and knees bounce – demonstration and exercise
Repetition of the last lesson
Knee bounce – demonstration and exercise
Seat bounce – demonstration and exercise
In order to get experienced with bouncing we recommend beginning with a seat bounce and
adding a knee bounce
Repeat the exercises as learned in the previous lessons
After having exercised the lessons as explained above, you will have acquired the basic
techniques. Always exert your bounces in a controlled manner.
In order to get familiarized with the trampoline you can play the following game:
The first person begins by exerting a jump. The second person repeats the jump and adds
any other jump. All persons jump in turns, each person adding one more jump. The person
who can exert all bounces until the end is the winner. Always exert all bounces in a
controlled manner. Do not try to effect difficult bounces before you master the more simple
ones. In case you wish to further improve your bouncing abilities, Please contact a skilled
trampoline coach.
Jumping daily on your trampoline can improve your health. Before jumping, however, you
should exert the follow stretching exercises. Stretching exercises are relaxing and can release
muscle tenseness. They prevent serious injuries of your muscles during training. It is
therefore important to include those exercises in your training schedule. Please mind that
you should not begin your stretching exercises before doing some warming-up exercises.
The following exercises are meant to be training examples. Exert all exercises calmly and