Valve Stem Height
Gauge Instructions
Please read instructions before using.
Order No.
Imports Small dia. (1.060") body
Domestic Large dia. (1.250") body 1.5"-2.5"
Extra Small dia. (.900") body
Dial Indicator
*Item sold separately. Not included in kit.
This tool is used to measure the distance from the valve spring pad to the tip of the valve stem. This measurement is
called Valve Stem Installed Height.
To calibrate, install dial indicator loosely into the top of desired tube. Stand the 2" checking standard on end on a flat
surface, place tube and gauge assembly over the checking standard, viewing through side window for indicator to
standard contact.
The VSH-201 tube should have the dial indicator set for maximum reading (10 revolutions on gauge), then tighten dial
indicator. This will set gauge to read from one inch to two inches.
On the VSH-202 tube, the dial indicator should be set for 5
revolutions on gauge, then tighten indicator. This calibrates the gauge to read from 1.5" to 2.5". (You must remember the
correct starting point of measurement when using this tube.)
Instructions for Use
To use this tool, disassemble valve train leaving the valves in the cylinder head. Place tube and indicator assembly over
valve stem viewing through slot in the side of tube to make indicator contact. Record reading and compare readings for
each valve stem. The readings should be within .010 of each other. If one Valve Stem Installed Height reading varies
greatly from the others this indicates a problem with that valve or seat.
When re-assembling us the original readings as a reference: a rule of thumb is to assemble to within +/- .030 of the
original reading.
January 2015