Receiving Premiere-World
It is no problem for the ReelBox and
the corresponding CAM to receive
programs from Premiere, to decode
them and to record them.
However, this is a breach of the
General Terms and Conditions of
Premiere. Premiere permits only
certified receivers for the
For the reception, you need an
AlphaCrypt Light module (for German
pay TV) and a valid SmartCard.
Please observe the firmware versions
(FW versions) of the respective CAMs.
AlphaCrypt Light should feature the
FW version 1.09 and AlphaCrypt
Classic FW version 3.09 in order to
guarantee a fault-free operation (also
with multi-channel decoding).
In case your modules feature other FW
versions, update the modules by SAT
receiver or PC/PCMCIA slot.
The software of the ReelBox also
completely supports the usual
Premiere functions (option button,
sub-channels, PPV).
The use of the Direkt+ service is not
possible, because the DRM is missing.
A special case though are currently
the HD programs from Premiere.
For this you also need an AlphaCrypt
CAM that has to feature the FW
version V1.12/V3.12 (Light/Classic
version from: 12/2007), because the
fault-free reception including all sound
tracks is only guaranteed as of this
Information on the update is
available at the
Additional information