User guide
Hydraulic Jack 1800 kg
For your safety, read, understand, and follow the information provided
with and on this jack. The owner and operator of this equipment must have an understanding of this jack and safe
operating procedures before attempting to use. The owner and operator must be aware that use and repair of this
product may require special skills and knowledge. If any doubt exists as to the safe and proper use of this jack, remove
from service immediately. Inspect before each use. Do not use if broken, bent, cracked, or damaged parts (including
labels) are noted. Any jack that appears damaged in any way, operates abnormally or is missing parts, shall be removed
from service immediately. If the jack has been, or suspected to have been, subjected to a shock load (a load dropped
suddenly, unexpectedly upon it), immediately discontinue use and remove from service. It is recommended that an
annual inspection be done by qualified personnel.
This MICHELIN Hydraulic Jack is designed to lift, but not sustain, rated capacity loads. It is designed to be used in
conjunction with jack stands. The MICHELIN Hydraulic Jack has a unique feature which provides fast, no load lifts to the
jacking point. Intended use : To lift one axle of a vehicle for the purpose of service and / or repair of vehicle components.
After lifting, loads must be immediately supported by appropriately rated jack stands. Check with vehicle owner's
manual for proper jacking points.
Maximum load : 1800 kg - Minimum height : 105 mm - Maximum height : 350 mm
1. Verify that the product and the application are compatible, if in doubt call the Michelin consumer enquiry helpline :
+33 (0)4 76 32 69 37.
2. Before using this product, read the owners manual completely and familiarize yourself thoroughly with the product,
its components and recognize the hazards associated with its use.
3. Check to ensure that the jack rolls freely and that the pump operates smoothly before putting into service.
Park your vehicle and
Use only on hard, level surfaces
capable of supporting the load
apply the handbrake to
avoid any unexpected
marked on the jack.
Put the vehicle in gear
before lifting, to avoid any
unexpected movement.
Study, understand, and follow all instructions provided with and on this device. Do not exceed rated capacity. This is a lifting device only. After
lifting, immediately transfer the load to appropriately rated jack stands. Never work on, under, or around a load supported by this device. Use
only on hard, level surfaces capable of supporting the load marked on the equipment. Do not move or dolly loads with this device. Failure to
heed this warning may result in personal injury and/or property damage.
To avoid any risk of being crushed or sustaining other injuries: NEVER work on, under or around a load supported only by a jack. ALWAYS use
adequately rated jack stands. If the generated efforts exceed 400N, the effort shall be lowered by additional person.
Be sure all tools and personnel are clear before lowering load. No alterations shall be made to this device. Only attachments and/or adaptors
supplied by the manufacturer shall be used. Only lift the vehicle using the jacking points specified by the vehicle manufacturer.
This product should not be used under harsh conditions (e.g. extreme climates, applications in freezing conditions, with powerful magnetic
fields). The product's life is five years. Using this product to lift people is prohibited. Handling loads could cause hazardous situations (e.g.
molten metals, acids, radioactive materials and especially fragile loads) is prohibited. If the product is no longer serviceable it must be
destroyed. The product must not come into direct contact with foodstuffs. The product must not be used on-board ships. The oil level must
never overflow its housing. In case of accident or failure, seizure may occur. Please contact the IMPEX consumer department on: +33 (0)4 76 32
69 37 email:
[email protected]. The procedure to follow to safely release the equipment. For any spare parts requirements, please contact the
IMPEX consumer department on: +33 (0)4 76 32 69 37 email:
[email protected]. The operator needs to be able to see the lifting mechanism
and the load during movements. No work is allowed under lifted loads, until the load is properly strapped down again using suitable means.
All of the necessary information for training and on pumping and translational forces must be provided to the operator. When refilling the
hydraulic system, ensure that the specifications of the hydraulic fluid used in the jack and the level of the fluid are as stated by the manufacturer.
Check the condition of any markings and ensure that they remain identical to the original markings. Jacks must be maintained and repaired in
line with the manufacturer's instructions. Any maintenance and repair work must be performed by qualified staff. No modifications should be
made that may affect the jack's compliance with safety standards.
Never use in a potentially explosive atmosphere.
Never use in strong winds.
Never use in the rain.
Never use in a dusty environment.
The jack must be used within the following application limits: temperature between -20°C and +50°C.
During use, the force required may exceed 400N: ask a second person for help.
1. Place vehicle in park, with emergency brake on and wheels securely chocked to prevent inadvertent vehicle
2. Locate and close release valve by turning handle clockwise until firm resistance is felt to further thread engagement.
Center jack saddle under lift point.
3. Verify lift point, insert handle into handle sleeve and pump to contact lift point. To lift, pump handle until load
reaches desired height.
4. Transfer the load immediately to appropriately rated jack stands.
1. Raise load high enough to clear the jack stands, then carefully remove jack stands (always used in pairs).
2. Slowly turn the handle anti-clockwise, but no more than a 1/2 full turn.
3. After removing jack from under the load, push saddle down to reduce ram exposure to rust and contamination.
Use only a good grade hydraulic oil (e.g. Mobil TDE 13M or equivalent). The oil level must never overflow its housing.
With the cup all the way down and the piston pump all the way in, level the jack in the upright position. Remove the oil
filler cap. Fill until the oil level reaches the hole in the filler and refit the filler cap.
When not in use, store the jack with saddle fully lowered.