General Guidelines - Velleman PCSP1 2 Manual Del Usuario

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I nt r oduct ion
To a ll r e side nt s of t h e Eur ope a n Union
I m port ant environm ent al inform at ion about t his pr oduct
This sym bol on t he device or t he package indicat es t hat
disposal of t he device aft er it s lifecy cle could harm t he
environm ent . Do not dispose of t he unit ( or bat t eries) as
unsort ed m unicipal wast e; it should be t aken t o a
specialized com pany for recy cling. This device should be
ret urned t o y our dist ribut or or t o a local recy cling service.
Respect t he local environm ent al rules. I f in doubt , cont act your local
wast e disposal aut horit ies.
Thank you for choosing Vellem an! Please read the m anual thoroughly
before bringing this device into service. I f the device was dam aged in
transit, don't install or use it and contact your dealer.
Sa fe t y I nst r uct ions
Keep t he device aw ay from children and unaut horised users
For indoor use only. Keep t his device away from rain,
m oist ure, splashing and dripping liquids
Excessive use of earphones or speakers at loud volum e m ay
lead t o perm anent hearing dam age.
Dam age caused by disregard of cert ain guidelines in this m anual is
not covered by t he warranty and the dealer will not accept
responsibility for any ensuing defect s or problem s.
Not e that dam age caused by user m odifications t o the device is not
covered by the warranty.

General Guidelines

Prot ect this device from shocks and abuse. Avoid brut e force when
operating the device.
Prot ect the device against extrem e heat and dust .
Fam iliarise yourself with the functions of the device before actually
using it.
All m odifications of the device are forbidden for safet y reasons.
00-13/ 11/ 2008
Vellem an
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