Check Standards
Kemio is supplied with check standards (KEMC10) to
confirm the instrument is working correctly.
Kemio sensors produce an electric signal when used with
Kemio. Kemio measures that electric signal and displays the
corresponding concentration. The check standards produce
standard electric currents. If Kemio is able to measure
the expected signals from the check standards, then it
is performing correctly. Kemio will display "Pass" and the
complete test records will be stored in the data log.
If the measured signal does not match the expected values,
Kemio will display "Fail." Clean the check standard and Kemio
electrical contacts with a cloth or alcohol wipe, ensure the
check standard was properly inserted and repeat the test. If
the problem persists, contact your Palinteest representative
Transferring Data
The data log and individual result record can be extracted
from Kemio over USB.
Connect Kemio to the PC using the supplied micro-
USB cable. A window will appear on the PC.
Navigate to: Computer\Kemio Water Quality Tester\
System to view the TestLog.txt.
Navigate to: Computer\Kemio Water Quality Tester\
Test Results to view individual result files.
Additional software is required to decrypt and
view the files.
Data Log
The data log is a record of the over 10000 test results and
information. Each line represents a separate test result. A
test that produces multiple results is stored in the data log
under multiple lines.
The result log can easily be imported into analysis tools, such
as excel. Each line includes data in tab-separated columns
that represent the following information about each test:
• User
• Test Parameter
• Dilution Factor
• Label
• Sensor Batch
• Unit of Measure
• Chemical Species
• Sample Temperature
• Result
• Reference