SE750 Operating Instructions
Thank you for purchasing a SE750 Door Skinner Tool from Silver Eagle Tool Company. We are
confident that you will be very pleased with this tool. The SE750 Door Skinner Tool is very straight
forward and simple to operate, however, spending a few minutes to read through these instructions and
tips could make you proficient in the use of the SE750 much more quickly.
The SE750 makes short work of crimping the door skin flanges of straight or smoothly contoured door
edges. It can be used successfully in areas as short as 3 inches or infinitely longer
The SE750 works by folding the door skin flange over and pinching it tight between a hardened steel,
reciprocating crimping head and an adjustable nylon anvil pad. One pass is all that is normally required
once you have the nylon pad adjusted for the proper crimp thickness.
There are a few that must be done to make your job successful.
We start by assuming that the old door skin has been removed and the shell cleaned and prepared for
the new skin, adhesive applied and the shell and skin clamped together.
It is necessary to have the flange bent over to at least 80 degrees from horizontal. In other words the
flange should be hammered over somewhat all the way around the door skin.
It is also necessary to have the starting corners hammered down nearly tight. Starting the first inch or two
of the corners of the door by using a hammer and dolly to fold the flange down tight accomplishes two
things. First it keeps the door skin in place around the shell, and second it creates a place to engage the
SE750 tool onto the skin flange. After you are finished hammering down the starting corners, use your
hammer and dolly to start folding the entire flange over to about 80 degrees. This does take a little time,
but it is worth the effort as you will soon see.
Now you are ready to finish the crimp with the SE750. First make sure you have the nylon pad adjusted
to obtain the crimp thickness to your liking. This can only be done through trial and error. If you have any
concerns about being too tight, it is not a problem to fold the flange down loosely, and then make a
second pass to pinch it tight. We do recommend that the crimp be at least 90% tight on the first pass.
Slide the SE750 onto the door skin in one of the starting areas. IT IS CRITICAL THAT YOU KEEP THE
If you operate the SE750 tool at even a slight angle away from the edge of the door you will run the risk
of the reciprocating head catching on the uncrimped flange and deforming it.
It is also important to roll the SE750 slightly counter-clockwise (looking at the air inlet) as you are
operating it so that the innermost edge of the nylon pad will not contact the exterior surface of the door
skin. It is unlikely that any damage will occur regardless, but a little finesse will assure you of a flawless
Make sure you have the SE750 connected to good clean shop air at 90 to 120 PSI. Start the SE750
and push it slowly along the edge of the door to fold and crimp the flange down tight. It is not necessary to
push hard. After a short period you will get a feel for a comfortable feed rate.
The SE750 is designed to be very maneuverable. It is capable of negotiating inside curves, outside
curves, concave and convex door edges, and many style lines. Flanges on body style features that are
too abrupt to be done with the SE750 as well as sharp corners etc. will need to be folded over with a
hammer and dolly.
With a little practice, you will experience outstanding results both on the exterior surfaces of the door and
the inside flange, and save LOTS of time as well.