Description Of The Functioning Modes; Charge Card Also Battery Powered; Technical Features Of The Unit; Description Of The - King gates Star Open Manual De Instrucciones

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The light will stay on for the entire opening manoeuvre and for the
subsequent pause time; during the closing manoeuvre both the
green and red lights will be activated (the result being yellow) to indi-
cate there is no longer any transit priority (see table).
Bar closed, no passage in either direction
Bar open, free transit
Bar open, transit occupied
Bar closing and transit not controlled
The two Bar Open Indicator and Courtesy Light outputs can directly
control small 24 V DC lamps for a total of 10 W. If stronger lamps have
to be used, use the relays piloted by the unit outputs that control, in
turn, the traffic lights.
IMPORTANT! - It is best to fit the radio receiver at this point,
once all adjustments have been completed and with the pow-
er switched off.
3.7 -
Description of the functioning
In the manual functioning mode the OPEN input allows movement
up to the opening point; the CLOSE input allows movement up to
the closing point; STEP-BY-STEP allows alternative opening and clos-
ing manoeuvres; as soon as the command in input stops, movement
stops. In the opening phase movement stops when the maximum
opening point is reached or if there is no consent from PHOTOCELL
2; to the contrary, in the closing phase movement will stop at the max-
imum closed point or if there is no consent from the PHOTOCELL. If
STOP is triggered it will cause movement to stop immediately both in
the opening and closing manoeuvres. Once movement has stopped
the command in input has to be stopped before any new movements
can be active)
In either of the automatic functioning modes (semiautomatic-auto-
matic and closes always) a command on the OPEN input will cause
an opening manoeuvre; if the command remains (TIMER) once the
bar is open, the bar remains "frozen" in an infinite pause; only when
the command stops will the bar be able to close. Command pulses
on the CLOSE input will cause a closing manoeuvre; if the command
remains the bar will stay locked in the closed position until the com-
mand ceases and only then can it be reopened. A pulse on STEP-BY-
STEP causes alternative opening and closing.
A second pulse on the STEP-BY-STEP or on the same input that
started the movement, will cause a Stop.
Technical featurs of the unit
Open4000 technical features
Mains power
Battery power
Max. current accessories, 24 V DC 200 mA
Max. power flashing light
Max. power Courtesy Light
Max. power Open Bar indicator
Pause time
Courtesy light time
Operating temperature
Table 1
230 V AC ± 10%, 50-60 Hz
21-28 V DC (> 6Ah capacity)
25 W [24 V DC]
10 W [24 V DC]
10 W [24 V DC]
from 3 to 120 seconds
60 seconds
-20 to 70° C
Whether in the opening or closing phase, if STOP triggers it will cause
movement to stop immediately.
In an opening manoeuvre, triggering of the PHOTOCELL has no ef-
fect while PHOTOCELL 2 will cause reversal of movement; in a clos-
ing manoeuvre, triggering of the PHOTOCELL causes movement to
reverse followed by a new pause and lastly reclosing. If at the begin-
ning of an opening movement, the PHOTOCELL input does not give
consent, the request to open is cancelled.
If the automatic functioning mode is being used, there will be a pause
time subsequent to an opening manoeuvre and followed by a closing
manoeuvre. If, during the pause the PHOTOCELL triggers, the timer
will be reset with a new time; if, on the other hand, a STOP comes
into play during the pause, the reclosing function will be cancelled and
there will be a STOP condition.
3.8 -
Charge card also battery
The road boom gate is equipped with a power transformer that can
withstand the energy required by both the motor and electronic card
so it can all be powered directly by the mains.
If you want the system to work even when there is a power cut then
you have to add a suitable battery and relative battery charger card.
The battery must be installed in its own compartment outside the
plastic box that protects the gearmotor card and connected to two
terminals on the battery charger card; the latter must be connected to
the connector on the unit.
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