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Touch Dimmer AR145D
Congratulations on a wise purchase!
• Touch Dimmer
• Use only with one-way bulbs, even in a 3-way
• Do not install a bulb that is larger than 200 watts.
100 to 150 watts are recommended.
1. Turn lamp to "OFF" position and unplug.
2. Plug lamp into lamp dimmer unit.
3. Plug dimmer unit into the wall outlet and turn lamp
to "ON" position. Wait a few seconds, then touch the
metal part of the lamp to set the desired light level.
Touch Dimmer AR145D
Nous vous félicitons de votre choix judicieux !
• Touch Dimmer
• Use only with one-way bulbs, even in a 3-way
• Do not install a bulb that is larger than 200 watts.
100 to 150 watts are recommended.
1. Turn lamp to "OFF" position and unplug.
2. Plug lamp into lamp dimmer unit.
3. Plug dimmer unit into the wall outlet and turn lamp
to "ON" position, wait a few seconds, then touch the
metal part of the lamp to set the desired light level.
Touch Dimmer AR145D
¡Lo felicitamos por su compra sabia!
• Touch Dimmer
• Utilizar sólo con bombillas de intensidad unica,
incluso en casquillos de tres intensidades.
• No instalar bombillas superiores a los 200 vatios.
Se recomienda de 100a 150.
1. Encender la lámpara y desenchufarla (para los
casqulllos de tres intensidades, poner en la
Intensidad maxima).
2. Enchufar la lámpara en la unidad reductora.
3. Enchufar la unidad reductora en la toma de pared,
esperar unos momentos, luego tocar la parte
metálica de la lámpara para conseguir la intensidad
de luz deseada.
Lamp will not come on.
• Be sure lamp switch is set to the "ON" position and
the lamp is plugged into the dimmer.
• Be sure dimmer is plugged into the wall outlet.
• Test the lamp dimmer in an alternate lamp.
Lamp comes on – does not step.
• Touch the metal socket of lamp (metal base may be
insulated). Some metal parts are insulated from the
socket (for example: metal on wood) and will not
operate the light levels.
• Moisten your finger and touch the lamp. If the lamp
now steps, you may be one of those few people with
skin that is too dry to be conductive and will not trig-
ger the lamp dimmer.
• Calluses on the finger act as an insulator; try touch-
ing the lamp with the back of your hand.
• Test the lamp on a wood floor without carpet. Some
carpets contain conductive material that grounds out
the touch sensitivity circuit.
Lamp changes light levels by itself.
• Be sure all metal parts on the lamp are tightened,
including the lamp shade. Vibration can cause light
levels to change.
Lamp will not come on.
• Be sure lamp switch is set to the "ON" position and
the lamp is plugged into the dimmer.
• Be sure dimmer is plugged into the wall outlet.
• Test the lamp dimmer in an alternate lamp.
Lamp comes on – does not step.
• Touch the metal socket of lamp (metal base may be
insulated). Some metal parts are insulated from the
socket (for example: metal on wood) and will not
operate the light levels.
• Moisten your finger and touch the lamp. If the lamp
now steps, you may be one of those few people with
skin that is too dry to be conductive and will not trig-
ger the lamp dimmer.
• Calluses on the finger act as an insulator; try touch-
ing the lamp with the back of your hand.
• Test the lamp on a wood floor without carpet. Some
carpets contain conductive material that grounds out
the touch sensitivity circuit.
Lamp changes light levels by itself.
• Be sure all metal parts on the lamp are tightened,
including the lamp shade. Vibration can cause light
levels to change.
La lámpara no se enciende.
• Comprobar que el interruptor de la lámpara este
en la posicion de ON (encendido) y de que la
lampara este enchufada en el convertidor.
• Comprobar que el convertidor este enchufado en
la toma de pared.
• Comprobar la unidad reductora con otra lampara.
La lámpara se enciende, pero no cambla de nivel
de intensidad.
• Tocar el casquillo de la lámpara (la base metalica
puede estar aislada). Algunos componentes
metálicos quedan nislados del casquillo (por
ejemplo, metal sobre madera) y no hacen funcionar
el cambio de nivel.
• Mojarse el dedo y tocar la lámpara. Si ahora la
lámpara cambia de nivel de intensidad, es posible
que usted sea una de las pocas personas cuya piel
no es conductiva y no puede activar el reductor.
• Los callos en los dedos funcionan como aisladores.
Probar tocando la lámpara con el dorso de la mano.
• Probar la lámpara en un suelo de madera sin
alfombra. Algunas alfombras contienen material
conductivo que desactiva el circuito de sensiblidad
el toque por el contacto con tierra.
• Move lamp to a new location – plug into different
wall plug. Line noise on some circuits may trigger
• Cordless phone or intercom operation causes lamps
to change light levels. Use a ground isolator (filter)
plug between phone/intercom and power outlet.
Light bulb has noticeable hum or flickers.
• Change bulbs. Because of the varied tolerance be-
tween bulb filament and filament holders, some
bulbs beat in sync with the electronic switch. A 100
watt bulb will have less noticeable hum than a 150
watt bulb.
The product you have purchased is guaranteed against
defects in workmanship and materials for the period
stated on the front of the package. If the product fails
due to a manufacturing defect during normal use, re-
turn the product to the store where purchased for re-
placement OR send product to:
Lamson Home Products
25701 Science Park Drive
Cleveland, OH 44122 USA
Attn: Customer Service
• Move lamp to a new location – plug into different
wall plug. Line noise on some circuits may trigger
• Cordless phone or intercom operation causes lamps
to change light levels. Use a ground isolator (filter)
plug between phone/intercom and power outlet.
Light bulb has noticeable hum or flickers.
• Change bulbs. Because of the varied tolerance be-
tween bulb filament and filament holders, some
bulbs beat in sync with the electronic switch. A 100
watt bulb will have less noticeable hum than a 150
watt bulb.
Le produit que vous avez acheté est garanti contre les
vices de matière et de fabrication pour la période
indiquée sur le devant de l'emballage. Si le produit fait
défaut à cause d'un vice de matière ou de fabrication
en cours d'usage normal, retournez le produit au
magasin où vous l'avez acheté et il sera remplacé, ou
envoyez le produit au :
Service à la clientèle
Lamson Home Products
25701 Science Park Drive
Cleveland, OH 44122 USA
La lámpara cambia de nivel de intensidad por si solo .
• Comprobar que todos los componentos metálicos
de la lámpara esten apretados, incluida la pantalla.
• Cambiar la lámpara de posicion y enchufarla en orta
toma. El ruido de linea de algunos circuitos puede
hacer activarse el cambio de toque.
• El uso de los teléfonos sin cables y de los interfonos
hace que las lámparas cambien de nivel de
intensidad. Utilizar un enchufe de aisladorde tierra
(filtro) entre el teléfono y latoma eléctrica.
La bombilla haca un zumbido notable u oscila.
• Cambiar la bombilla. Debido a la tolerancias
distintás entre los filamentos y los portafilamentos
de las bombillas, algunas bombillas laten en
sincronización con el interruptor eléctrico. Una
bombilla de 100 vatios tendra un zumbido menos
notable que de 150 vatios.
Este producto está garantizado contra defectos en
materiales y fabricación por el período indicado en la
parte delantera del paquete. Si el producto fallase
debido a un defecto de fabricación durante el uso nor-
mal, devuélvalo a la tienda donde lo compró para que
se lo reemplace O BIEN envíelo a:

Resumen de contenidos para Dimango AR145D

  • Página 1 • Be sure dimmer is plugged into the wall outlet. plug between phone/intercom and power outlet. • Test the lamp dimmer in an alternate lamp. Touch Dimmer AR145D Congratulations on a wise purchase! Light bulb has noticeable hum or flickers.
  • Página 2 Not Covered - Batteries, light bulbs, and other expend- ALSO AVAILABLE FROM DIMANGO PRODUCTS: able items, repair service, adjustment and calibration • Extend-A-Chime™ – lets you hear your existing due to misuse, abuse or negligence are not covered by wired doorbell in remote areas of your home or yard this warranty.