• Proceed according to paragraph E.
• Vacuum in each circuit during 30 minutes and introduce 270 g of R134a in each one of
the circuits.
• After verifying charge, check pressures and in case they are below 0.5 kg, while equip-
ment is working, clean circuits or replace obstructed component (possibly capillary tube).
• Adjust the front duct with the base of the unit.
• Fit the front canalisation system to the Compact base.
• Verify pressure, the lower the temperature, the lower the pressure. As a maximum refe-
rence, they must be between 2.6 and 3.2 bars in both circuits, if outside temperature is
between 30º and 32º. (One circuit must always have a slightly higher pressure).
• Proceed according to paragraph E.
• Dismantle and clean obstructed component and if necessary, replace it. (1).
• Leave recirculation entry, situated at equipment base, free.
• Clean condenser / grid.
• Replace electro fan.
• Check that air is expulsed outside equipment, if not, invert connector connection.
• Correctly place joint or replace it (it is very important to properly clean the surface where
joint will be assembled).
• Clean tray outlets.
• Replace electronic control or controls plate.
(1) Each time it is necessary to extract or introduce gas charge out of/in circuit, it is necessary to
do it using adequate machinery and always respecting the environment. The refrigerant gas
recovery will never be accurate because part of this gas will remain inside the presure gauge
Air conditioning for vehicles