You may wish to clean the treatment site after use to remove any adhe-
sive residue from the electrode pad.
Gel electrode pads
The electrode pads can be reused as long as they retain their
stickiness. Cover the pads with the included film pieces when
not in use to prevent them from drying out
Properly cared for, the electrode pads may last up to 50 uses; the
life of the electrode pad is largely dependent upon proper care
and the condition of the skin as applied for use
To help prolong the life of the electrode pad, between uses,
moisten the gel side of the pad with a drop of water and allow to
dry; replace the film for storage
If you notice that the pads have become dry, no longer adhere
well to the skin, or begin to irritate the skin, they are in need of
Replacement pads are available through Veridian Healthcare
at 866-326-1313, by using the enclosed order form or through
many major retailers and ecommerce sites.