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W a l l m o u n t e d e l e c t r o n i c f a u c e t
G r i f o e l e c t r Ó n i c o m u r a l
tubular b tubular e tubular 2030 b tubular 2030 e tubular dPb tubular dPe
I n s ta l l at I o n a n d m a I n t e n a n c e g u I d e
m a n u a l d e I n s ta l a c I Ó n Y m a n t e n I m I e n t o
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Resumen de contenidos para Stern TUBULAR Serie

  • Página 1 W a l l m o u n t e d e l e c t r o n i c f a u c e t G r i f o e l e c t r Ó n i c o m u r a l TUBULAR SERIES tubular b tubular e tubular 2030 b tubular 2030 e tubular dPb tubular dPe I n s ta l l at I o n a n d m a I n t e n a n c e g u I d e...
  • Página 2: Technical Data/ Información Técnica

    Stern engineering ltd or other third parties and you are not permitted to use them without the prior written consent of Stern engineering ltd or such third Maximum sensor range: party as may own them.
  • Página 3: Pack Contents/Contenido Del Embalaje

    PAcK cOnTEnTS/cOnTEnIdO dEL EMBALAJE PAcK cOnTEnTS/cOnTEnIdO dEL EMBALAJE TUBULAR B / E TUBULAR 2030 B / 2030 E (EN) 1 x spout and attachments (EN) 4 x screws (EN) 1 x spout and attachments (EN) 1 x allen key (incl. electronic unit) (ES) 4 x tornillos (incl.
  • Página 4: Pre-Installation Info/Información Previa A La Instalación

    PAcK cOnTEnTS/cOnTEnIdO dEL EMBALAJE PRE-InSTALLATIOn InFO/InFORMAcIÓn PREVIA A LA InSTALAcIÓn TUBULAR dPB / dPE (EN) CHECk CoNTENTS separate all parts from the packaging and check each part with the pack contents section. Pay attention to the variations of the different models. make sure all parts are accounted for before discarding any packaging material.
  • Página 5: Paso 2 - Conexión Del Suministro De Agua

    InSTALLATIOn/InSTALAcIÓn InSTALLATIOn/InSTALAcIÓn TUBULAR B / E TUBULAR B / E STEP 1 – InSTALLInG ThE FAUcET/ PASO 1 - InSTALAR EL GRIFO STEP 2 - cOnnEcTInG ThE wATER SUPPLy/ PASO 2 - cOnEXIÓn dEL SUMInISTRO dE AGUA (EN) shut off the water supply. (EN) Fit the flexible pipe coming from the product base to the solenoid valve housing.
  • Página 6 InSTALLATIOn/InSTALAcIÓn InSTALLATIOn/InSTALAcIÓn TUBULAR B / E TUBULAR 2030B / 2030E STEP 3 – cOnnEcTInG ThE POwER SOURcE/ STEP 1 – InSTALLInG ThE FAUcET/ PASO 1 – InSTALAcIÓn dEL GRIFO PASO 3 - cOnEXIÓn dE LA FUEnTE dE ALIMEnTAcIÓn (EN) For tubular B: connect the other cable coming from the electronic (EN) shut off the water supply.
  • Página 7 InSTALLATIOn/InSTALAcIÓn InSTALLATIOn/InSTALAcIÓn TUBULAR 2030B / 2030E TUBULAR 2030B / 2030E (EN) Insert the product box through the wall and connect the water supply pipe (not supplied) to the (EN) assemble the corrugated tube with the nipple at the bottom of the product box (make sure it connectors between the product base and the is connected to the water inlet).
  • Página 8 InSTALLATIOn/InSTALAcIÓn InSTALLATIOn/InSTALAcIÓn TUBULAR 2030B / 2030E TUBULAR 2030B / 2030E STEP 2 - cOnnEcTInG ThE POwER SUPPLy/ (EN) once the works on electricity, plumbing and tiles PASO 2 -cOnEXIÓn dEL SUMInISTRO dE AGUA have been finished: (EN) connect the connectors protruding out of the corrugated tube a.
  • Página 9 InSTALLATIOn/InSTALAcIÓn InSTALLATIOn/InSTALAcIÓn TUBULAR dPB / dPE TUBULAR dPB / dPE STEP 1 – InSTALLInG ThE FAUcET/ PASO 1 - InSTALAcIÓn dEL GRIFO (EN) mount the product base to the opening cut in the wall, and secure the base support to the four small holes using 4 screws.
  • Página 10 InSTALLATIOn/InSTALAcIÓn InSTALLATIOn/InSTALAcIÓn TUBULAR dPB / dPE TUBULAR dPB / dPE (EN) cut the temporary product base cover. (ES) corte la cubierta temporal de la base del tubular. OBJECT (EN) once the works on electricity, plumbing and tiles have been finished, assemble the wall rosette through (EN) now, remove the protective (EN) Before proceeding, check that no objects are in front of the sensor the product base.
  • Página 11: Settings Adjustment/Configuración De Parámetros

    SETTInGS AdJUSTMEnT/cOnFIGURAcIÓn dE PARÁMETROS SETTInGS AdJUSTMEnT/cOnFIGURAcIÓn dE PARÁMETROS (en) detectIon Range (en) delaY out tIme (EN) note: once you have changed the detection range with the remote control, the distance will be (es) Rango de deteccIÓn (es) tIemPo de RetRaso remembered by the sensor, even if the power source is disconnected.
  • Página 12: Battery Replacement/ Sustitución De Las Pilas

    SETTInGS AdJUSTMEnT/cOnFIGURAcIÓn dE PARÁMETROS BATTERy REPLAcEMEnT/ SUSTITUcIÓn dE LAS PILAS (EN) delaY out tIme: this button allows modifying the water flow time after the user removes his BATTERy ModELS oNLy hands from the faucet. a delay out time close to 0 will save more water. an increased delay out time When the battery weakens, the led indicator light will blink at a constant rate when the user’s hands are will make the user experience more comfortable.
  • Página 13: (En) Maintenance

    BATTERy REPLAcEMEnT/ SUSTITUcIÓn dE LAS PILAS (En) MAInTEnAncE (EN) FoR TUBULAR 2030B: Release the screws from the wall cover panel and remove it. the battery box is FILTER CLEANINg INSTRUCTIoNS located behind the panel. carefully open the battery box and replace the used battery with a new 9V these models are provided with a stainless steel filter preventing foreign particles to enter the lines.
  • Página 14: (Es) Mantenimiento

    (ES) MAnTEnIMIEnTO SPARE PARTS LIST/ LISTA dE REPUESTOS INSTRUCCIoNES PARA LA LIMPIEZA dE LoS FILTRoS TUBULAR el sistema se suministra con un filtro de acero inoxidable que impide la entrada de partículas externas en las tu- seals and screws kit/ Kit de juntas y tornillos 07210015 berías.
  • Página 15: (En) Troubleshooting

    (En) TROUBLEShOOTInG (ES) SOLUcIÓn dE PROBLEMAS PROBLEM IndIcATOR cAUSE SOLUTIOn PROBLEMA IndIcAdOR cAUSA SOLUcIÓn no water 1.sensor flashes no sale agua del 1. el sensor parpadea coming out continuously when grifo continuamente of the faucet: user’s hands are low battery. Replace battery cuando las manos Pila agotada.
  • Página 16 If a defect is found in normal use, Y. stern engineering ltd. will, at its discretion, repair, provide Si con el uso normal se detecta un defecto, Y. stern engineering ltd., a su propio criterio, a replacement part or product, or make appropriate adjustments.
  • Página 17 777 Passaic avenue, clifton nJ,07012, usa tel: +1-973 773 8011 | Fax: +1-973-779-8768 toll Free: 1-800-4364410 [email protected] | [email protected] 12.19 015410636-H...

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