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Limited One Year Warranty
T&S warrants to the original purchaser (other
than for purposes of resale) that such product
is free from defects in material and workman-
ship for a period of one (1) year from the date
of purchase. During this one-year warranty pe-
riod, if the product is found to be defective, T&S
shall, at its options, repair and/or replace it. To
obtain warranty service, products must be re-
turned to...
T&S Brass and Bronze Works, Inc.
Attn: Warranty Repair Department
2 Saddleback Cove
Travelers Rest, SC 29690
Shipping, freight, insurance, and other trans-
portation charges of the product to T&S and
the return of repaired or replaced product to the
purchaser are the responsibility of the pur-
chaser. Repair and/or replacement shall be
made within a reasonable time after receipt by
T&S of the returned product. This warranty does
not cover Items which have received second-
ary finishing or have been altered or modified
after purchase, or for defects caused by physi-
cal abuse to or misuse of the product, or ship-
ment of the products.
Any express warranty not provided herein,
and any remedy for Breach of Contract which
might arise, is hereby excluded and disclaimed.
Any implied warranties of merchantability or fit-
ness for a particular purpose are limited to one
year in duration. Under no circumstances shall
T&S be liable for loss of use or any special con-
sequential costs, expenses or damages.
Some states do not allow limitations on how
long and implied warranty lasts or the exclu-
sion or limitation of incidental or consequential
damages, so the above limitations or exclusions
may not apply to you. Specific rights under this
warranty and other rights vary from state to
098-003154-45 Rev 4
MAB 11-12-99
MVW 11-13-99
Installation and
(Also for B-0114-01B, B-0114-02, B-0114-03,
B-0124, B-0134, & B-2362)
Installations- und
la Instalación y las
Instrucciones de
les Instructions
d'Installation et
Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para T&S B-0114-01

  • Página 1 Any express warranty not provided herein, B-0114-01 and any remedy for Breach of Contract which might arise, is hereby excluded and disclaimed. Any implied warranties of merchantability or fit-...
  • Página 2: Exploded View

    Exploded View T&S BRASS * Some items are listed for instructional purposes and may not be sold as separate parts.
  • Página 3 Part Number Guide Pre-Rinse Unit Asm, Spray Valve B-0114-01,-02,-03, B-0124, B-0134 B-0107 B-0114-01C, -02C, -03C B-0107-C Asm, Upper Arm 009490-40 Asm, Knuckle Elbow 009184-40 Swivel Nut 000702-40 Swivel Nut With Seal 000703-40 Support Bushing 000616-40 Asm, Knuckle Riser B-0114-01, B-0124 (29”) 009178-40 B-0114-02, B-0134 (23”)
  • Página 4: General Instructions

    General Instructions 4. For attachment of no.2 and no.3. Installation: Screw no.9 onto threaded end of no.3 See separate installation instruction for and tighten with a wrench. installation of no.6 into deck. 1. Shut off water supply and drain lines. Apply teflon tape or pipe joint compound to threads on both ends of no.5.
  • Página 5 Instructions For Repair Kits For 010180 Pre-Rinse Assembly Repair: 1. Using retaining ring pliers, remove Knuckle and discard no.12 from each knuckle ‘A’ on no.3. 2. Slide Knuckle ‘B’ off shaft. Remove no.11 and discard, then clean parts and inspect for damage. If deep scoring exists, parts must be replaced.
  • Página 6: Instrucciones Generales

    Instrucciones Generales Installatión: La instalación de la parte No.6 en mostrador, se puede hacer siguiendo las direcciones explicadas en otras instrucciones separadas. 1. Cierre la fuente principal de agua y desague las tuberias. Aplique a las roscas de ambos lados de la parte No.5 Nota: Antes de cintas para roscas de tubería o apretar la parte No.9,...
  • Página 7: Instrucciones Para Estuches De Reparo

    Instrucciones Para Estuches De Reparo Para unidades de enjuagar 010180-40 Reparo de junta de chanela: 1. Con alicates para argollas Junta ‘A’ retenedoras, Remueva y arroje la parte No.12 de cada chanela en la parte No.3. 2. Deslize la chanela ‘B’ de el tubo. Remueva la parte No.11 y arroje, luego limpie las partes e inspeccione por danos.
  • Página 8: Instructions Générales

    Instructions Générales 5. Recommencer l’eau et vérifier s’il y a L’Installation: des fuites. Voir la feuille d’instruction separée pour l’installation de N°.6 dans l’égouttoir. 1. Fermer la réserve de l’eau et égoutter la tuyauterie. Appliquer le ruban en Téflon ou le composé pour les joints de tuyaux a chaque extrémité...
  • Página 9 Instructions Pour Les Trousses à Outils Pour les éléments pre-rinçages utilisant la 010180 assemblée de bras-dessus la Jointure La Réparation de la Jointure: ‘A’ 1. Utiliser les pinces nécessaires, enlever et mettre au rebut N°.12 de chaque jointure sur N°.3 2.
  • Página 10: Allgemeine Anleitungen

    Allgemeine Anleitungen Installation: 5. Wasser andrehen und auf Lecks prüfen. Nr. 6 den separaten Anleitungen entsprechend auf die Abdeckplatte montieren. 1. Wasser abdrehen und Wasserleitungen entleeren. Teflonband oder Rohrkitt an beiden Seiten des Gewindes von Nr. 5 anbringen. Nr. 5 in Nr.
  • Página 11 Anleitungen für Reparaturwerkzeug Für bestehende Vorspüleinheit, die die 010180 Oberarmeinheit benutzt Gelenkreparatur: Gelenk ‘A’ 1. Mit Beibzange mit Sicherungsring Nr. 12 von jedem Gelenk auf Nr. 3 entfernen. 2. Ziehen Sie das Gelenk ‘B’ vom Schaft. Nr. 11 entfernen und wegwerfen, dann Teile reinigen und auf Schaden untersuchen.
  • Página 12 B-0134 PRE-RINSE UNIT W/ WALL MOUNTED FAUCET B-0114-RK REPAIR KIT PRE-RINSE UNIT T&S BRASS AND BRONZE WORKS, INC. A firm commitment to application-engineered plumbing products 2 Saddleback Cove, P.O. Box 1088, T & S Brass-Europe Travelers Rest, SC 29690 ‘De Veenhoeve’ Phone: (864) 834-4102 Oude Nieuwveenseweg 84...

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