NOTE: Freewheel refers to the uncontrolled retraction of the cable into the housing. Always maintain tension
on the cable, with a tag line if necessary, and do not allow the SRD to retract the cable in an uncontrolled
manner, as this could damage the unit.
Use the tag line to retrieve the leg end connector for the next use. Rewind the lifeline during periods of inactivity.
DO NOT leave the tag line connected to the leg end connector when using the SRD for fall protection.
4.4 After A Fall: Remove from service any equipment that has been subjected to fall arrest forces or that
exhibits damage consistent with such forces.
See Table 1A.
6.1 Maintenance: Keep the SRD free of contaminants such as paint, grease, grit, and chemicals as this may
hinder lifeline functions. Keep debris from entering the housing through the lifeline aperture. Clean the
exterior of the unit as required with a soap/water solution. Do not allow any water inside the housing. After
cleaning, pull the lifeline all the way out, allow the unit to air dry, then retract the lifeline into the unit.
DO NOT use heat to dry.
DO NOT attempt to disassemble the SRD.
6.2 Service: If service is required for any reason; inspection failure, impact loaded, any type of malfunction,
the red lifeline marker is visible, tag the unit from service, tag it as "UNUSABLE", and contact FallTech at 323‐
752‐0066 to receive a Return Authorization number.
6.3 Storage: Hang to store, out of direct sunlight. Ensure the lifeline is completely retracted into the housing.
Avoid exposure to chemical agents and vapors, airborne debris, and water ingress.
Store units tagged as "UNUSABLE" in a clearly marked area to prevent inadvertent use. Inspect any unit that
has been stored for an extended time in accordance with the procedures detailed in Section 7.
7.1 Pre‐Use Inspection: Perform an inspection before each use in accordance with the Guidelines for SRD
Inspection procedures in Table 3. See paragraph 7.4.
The SRD maintains a lifeline reserve wrapped around the drum to activate the brake in the event of a fall.
When the lifeline stops paying out it has reached the end of its operational length and is visually indicated by a
green marker on the lifeline. Do not attempt to extract more lifeline from the housing.
NOTE: Further up the lifeline a red marker indicates the reserve lifeline wraps have been breached or
deployed. If the red lifeline marker is visible, do not use the SRD. Remove the unit from service immediately
and tag it as "UNUSABLE".
7.2 Inspection Frequency: OSHA 1910.66 and OSHA 1926.502 require an inspection before each use and
inspection on a schedule determined by type and frequency of use. See Table 2.
7.3 Inspection Checklist: In addition to before each use, OSHA requires all PFAS components be inspected
regularly. Any component with any significant defect, such as cuts, tears, abrasions, mold or mildew, or undue
stretching; alterations or additions which might affect its efficiency; damage due to deterioration; contact with
fire, acids, or other corrosives; distorted hooks or faulty hook springs; loose or damaged mountings; non‐
functioning parts; or wearing or internal deterioration of the cable. See Figure 6.
7.4 Inspection Results: If an inspection reveals defects in or damage to the equipment, inadequate
maintenance, activated fall indicators, or the red lifeline reserve indicator is visible, mark the unit as
"UNUSABLE" and remove it from service.
7.5 Inspection Document: Record inspection results on the Inspection Record provided in Appendix B, or on a
similar document.
The labels must be present and legible.