Chevrolet Performance Super Magnum Instrucciones De Instalación

Transmisor manual de 6 velocidades
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Chevrolet Performance Super Magnum 6 Speed Manual Transmission
Specifications (16301620)
Thank you for choosing Chevrolet Performance as your high performance source. Chevrolet Performance is committed to
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engineered, developed and tested to exceed your expectations for fit and function. Please refer to our catalog for the Chevrolet
Performance Parts Authorized Center nearest you or visit our website at
This publication provides general information on the installation of a Chevrolet Performance Super Magnum 6-Speed Manual
Transmission. Please read this entire publication before starting work. Also, please verify that all of the components listed
below are in fact included in the kit.
The information below is divided into the following sections: package contents, installation instructions.
The transmission package incorporates modern technology in a package that can be installed behind Chevrolet engines.
The transmission package includes the transmission, shifter, and shift ball. This package is assembled using brand new,
premium quality components. Additional components will be required to complete the install into a vehicle. Chevrolet
Performance Parts offers a Transmission Installation Kit (19301625) that contains the components necessary to install this
transmission behind most Gen 3-4 small blocks.
These specifications are intended as a supplement to factory service manuals. It is not the intent of these specifications to
replace the comprehensive and detailed service practices explained in the factory service manuals.
Observe all safety precautions and warnings in the service manuals when installing this package in any vehicle. Wear eye
protection and appropriate protective clothing. Support the vehicle securely with jack stands when working under or around
it. Use only the proper tools. Exercise extreme caution when working with flammable, corrosive, and hazardous liquids and
materials. Some procedures require special equipment and skills. If you do not have the appropriate training, expertise, and
tools to perform any part of this conversion safely, this work should be done by a professional.
The information contained in this publication is presented without any warranty. All the risk for its use is entirely assumed
by the user. Specific component design, mechanical procedures, and the qualifications of individual readers are beyond the
control of the publisher, and therefore the publisher disclaims all liability incurred in connection with the use of the information
provided in this publication.
Chevrolet, Chevy, the Chevrolet Bow Tie Emblem, General Motors, and GM are all registered trademarks of the General
Motors Company.
Super Magnum 6 Speed Manual Transmission
IR 04DE13

Resumen de contenidos para Chevrolet Performance Super Magnum

  • Página 1 Performance Parts Authorized Center nearest you or visit our website at This publication provides general information on the installation of a Chevrolet Performance Super Magnum 6-Speed Manual Transmission. Please read this entire publication before starting work. Also, please verify that all of the components listed below are in fact included in the kit.
  • Página 2: Installation Instructions

    General Specifications: • The Super Magnum series transmission is rated for 700 lb-ft of continuous torque. However this rating may be affected by conditions other than engine output, such as use, gross vehicle weight, clutch selection, tire selection, etc. Your Super Magnum transmission requires approximately 8 pints of Dexron III type ATF. NOTE: The use of fluids other •...
  • Página 3: Additional Notes

    If not utilized the solenoid will increase the difficulty of shifting into reverse by adding spring pressure. To release this pressure, a 12-volt signal must be applied, allowing for easy engagement. Chevrolet Performance Parts recommends the use of a "momentary switch" mounted in the vehicle cabin to disengage the solenoid as desired.
  • Página 4 Cette publication donne des informations générales sur la pose d'une transmission manuelle à 6 vitesses Chevrolet Performance Super Magnum. Veuillez lire en entier la présente publication avant de commencer à travailler. De plus, veuillez vérifier que tous les composants nommés ci-dessous sont inclus dans l'ensemble.
  • Página 5 Spécifications générales : • La transmission de la série Super Magnum a une puissance de 700 lb-pi de couple continu. Cependant, cette puissance peut être affectée par d'autres conditions que le régime moteur, comme l'utilisation, le poids brut du véhicule, la sélection d'embrayage, la sélection des pneus, etc.
  • Página 6 Pour relâcher cette pression, un signal de 12 volts doit être appliqué, ce qui permet un engagement facile. Chevrolet Performance Parts recommande l'utilisation d'un « commutateur temporaire » installé dans l'habitacle pour désactiver le solénoïde si nécessaire. NE PAS déposer le solénoïde pour quelque raison que ce soit.
  • Página 7: Transmisión Manual De 6 Velocidades Chevrolet Performance Super Magnum Especificaciones

    Chevrolet Performance están diseñadas, desarrolladas y probadas para exceder sus expectativas de ajuste y función. Por favor consulte nuestro catálogo respecto al Centro Autorizado de Chevrolet Performance Parts más cercano a usted o isite nuestra página en Internet
  • Página 8 Especificaciones generales: • La transmisión serie Super Magnum está clasificada para 700 lbs pie de par continuo. Sin embargo, esta clasificación puede ser afectada por condiciones diferentes a la salida del motor, tales como el uso, peso bruto del vehículo, selección de embrague, selección de llantas, etc.
  • Página 9 Para liberar esta presión, se debe aplicar una señal de 12 voltios, permitiendo la conexión fácil. Chevrolet Performance Parts recomienda el uso de un "interruptor momentáneo" montado en la cabina del vehículo para desconectar el solenoide como se desee. NO retire el solenoide bajo ninguna circunstancia.