The National Weather Service uses several special
radio frequencies to provide continuous reports of
local weather conditions and forecasts throughout
the United States. Taped weather messages are
repeated every four to six minutes on a 24 - hour
basis, and are routinely revised every one to three
hours, or more frequently if needed.
During severe weather, the routine weather broad-
casts will be interrupted with special weather
warning messages.
The HCB-30C is designed to receive three of these
special weather frequencies. A NOAA Weather
Network Frequency Reference Card is enclosed to
identify the frequencies specifically broadcast for
your geographical area.
The HCB-30C receives CB and National Weather
Service broadcast frequencies as shown below:
CB Channels
Weather Channel 01 WX
To Operate: Turn the power off/on-volume control
clockwise and switch the four-position switch from
the CB position to the weather frequency channels
to receive the up-to-the-minute local weather
information. Adjust the volume and squelch to the
desired listening level.
To switch back to a CB channel move the switch to
the CB position.
NOTE: When switching from the CB position to
weather frequencies, the LED display will go blank.
When switching back to the CB position, the LED
channel display will return to the last channel
02 WX
03 WX
26.965 to 27.405
162.550 MHz
162.400 MHz
162.475 MHz