Support board for the Arduino UNO. It makes easier the installation and assembly for a professional finishing of your
designs. It includes terminal blocks for the connection. Board supplies a 9VDC voltage to supply the Arduino.
Placa soporte para el Arduino UNO . Permite facilitar la instalación y montaje con acabado profesional de sus
diseños . Dispone de bornes para simplificar la conexión La placa suministra tensión de 9 V DC para alimentar el
Arduino .
Plaque support pour l'Arduino UNO. Permet de faciliter l'installation et le montage pour des finitions professionnelles
de vos conceptions. Il dispose de borniers pour simplifier la connexion. Plaque fournie une tension de 9VDC pour
Technical characteristics
2 Analogue Inputs allowing to select through a jumper, the 5 or 10V DC input voltage.
2 Digital Inputs allowing to select through a jumper, the 5 or 24V DC input voltage.
1 Analogue Input with a 10K potentiometer allowing to select the 10K POT on the board or to
connect an external potentiometer.
2 x NPN 300mA Outputs with ULN 2003 to supply from the same voltage of the board or to
supply the outputs with another external voltage separated from the board.
1 LCD Display composed by 2x16 characters. It includes a 20cm cable.
1 x RX-TX input/output to have an auxiliary 5V DC power supply
1 x I2C input/output to have an auxiliary 5V DC power supply
Power Supply : 12/24 VDC
Recommended power supply : FE-123
Support for DIN Rail Ref. C-7590
Board for Arduino UNO with LCD
Placa para Arduino UNO con display
Plaque pour Arduino UNO avec display
display + 2 NPN outputs
LCD + 2 salidas NPN
LCD + 2 sorties NPN