• Do not open my browser: With this option selected, when
you connect to a WWAN network, QuickLink Mobile will
not automatically launch your default web browser.
• Open my browser to my default home page: With this
option selected, when you connect to a WWAN network
(Centennial EVDO-1x Data), QuickLink Mobile will auto-
matically launch your default web browser and your
home page will load.
• Open my browser to this URL: With this option selected,
when you connect to a WWAN network (Centennial
EVDO-1x Data), QuickLink Mobile will automatically
launch your default web browser but do it in such a way
that the URL you specify will load instead of your home
• Turn off graphics: If you select this it will turn off graphics
in Internet Explorer.
With these options off, web pages will load faster but you
will have to right click and select "show picture" for any
pictures you want to see. With the added performance of
the internet accelerator software when using the Centennial
EVDO-1x Data connection, most users prefer to see graph-
ics and have audio support, so the default setting for both
options is unchecked.
• Run program on connection: This allows you to automati-
cally run a program when you use QuickLink Mobile to
connect to a WWAN network. Select the browse button,
, to browse to the desired application you want to run
when you connect to a WWAN network using QuickLink
Mobile. The application will run for all WWAN connec-
tions made from QuickLink Mobile.