General Instructions
Hose Reel
w/ Backplate
Mounting hardware - Twelve 7/16"
[M12] bolts, washers and nuts or
twelve masonary bolts and nuts, (or
similar, depending on installation).
These heavy-duty stainless steel hose
reels are spring-driven, auto-rewind
reels built using the highest quality,
heavy gauge materials. Each reel is
supplied with a locking ratchet to hold
the desired length of hose.
1. Hold entire unit up against the wall
where you are mounting, (or, if
necessary, disassemble at the unions
next to no.11 and below no.14).
2. Mark and drill twelve 1/4" holes,
using the pattern on no.18.
CAUTION: Mounting bolts must
engage wall structure suitable for
loads applied by this unit with
consideration given to forces which
will be applied during use.
No.11 has two 1/2" drilled holes, and
two 1/2" wide slots for easy installa-
Pattern for
mounting hose
reel assembly
to backplate.
3. Mount no.18 to the wall with bolts
(not provided). If needed, reassemble
the piping and no.14 at this time.
4. Apply teflon tape or pipe joint
compound to threads of no.2, connect
the water supply lines to no.1.
5. Flush some water through the
system and check for leaks.
Operation: Hose Reel
1. Check the no.11 for correct
operation by slowly pulling out hose.
A "clicking" noise will be heard after
each half-revolution of the drum.
2. To latch no.11, pull out the hose
and allow it to retract after the first,
second or third "click" is heard.
3. To unlatch, slowly pull the hose
until the "clicking" noise stops, then
allow the hose to retract. The hose
stopper should rest against the hose
WARNING: Do not allow the hose to
retract without restraining the recoil
speed. Never let go of the hose when
4. Periodically check the hose for
wear, also check the swivel for
possible leaks.
[10 cm]
[13 cm]