Instructions de réparation - Commande DA
Adjustment instructions - DA control
adjustment screw
Begin of control
A4VG | RDE 92 003-01-R/03.03
Observe safety regulations!
Check setting data.
Operating temperature should be generally kept
constant during the checking procedure.
Start prime mover, idle speed.
Block position
Drive direction switch - "0" .
Slowly increase motor speed up to the max. motor
speed and observe measuring instruments.
Boost pressure:
Idle speed of prime mover
Psp = approx. 15 - 20 bar
max. motor speed
Psp = . . . . . . . . . bar*
Block position
Drive direction switch - forwards
(Road gear and fully applied brake)
Check setting data pump A4VIDA
Start of control:
HD 40 - 50 bar
Motor speed . . . . . rpm*
Psp . . . . . . . bar*
HD . . . . . . . bar*
Readjustment of start of control screw
End of control
HD . . . . . . . . bar
Motor speed . . . . . . rpm* Psp . . . . . . . bar*
Readjustment of the indexing screw
Eccentric adjusting - observe direction of
Note: * Setting data is in accordance to the
order work!