Quick start-up guide
Start-up in 8 simple steps
Make sure that the battery is fully charged before using
the robot (green LED). If the battery is charging, the LED
will be orange.
Tie the safety rope to a heavy and fixed object inside your
home. Check that the safety rope is in perfect condition
before using the robot.
Fit a clean cloth onto the bottom side and make sure that
they have been fitted correctly on the robot to guarantee
its proper functioning.
Connect the power cord to the robot.
Turn on the robot with the On/Off switch (blue LED) and
check that the fan starts working.
Cleaning windows in 2 stages
Stage 1
"Dry cleaning" to remove all dirt remains from the window. (Use the cloth in blue).
To clean the window more thoroughly, we recommend using the robot on sunny days with low humidity.
Do not use the robot on rainy days or days with high humidity, since the robot could leave a "white trail"
(water molecules), having the same effect as cleaning the window manually with a cloth.
Try not to use the water spraying function during the first cleaning stage, since these could mix with the
dirt and not produce the expected results.
Stage 2
Install a clean cleaning cloth. Activate the spraying function with the remote control or with the APP on your
SmartPhone. Activate the cleaning process for the second time.
Important note
If the robot does not start to clean the window and emits a sound alarm at the start of the cleaning process, this means
that it has detected a friction problem. Please, check the following:
The cleaning cloth is very dirty
The window surface has a protective film or adhesive attached to it
The window surface is very slippery due to the use of a cleaning product
Place the robot approximately 10 cm from the window frame and press the
or Smartphone.
Do not hesitate to contact us in case of any doubt by sending an e-mail to
[email protected].
Smart window cleaning robot
S m a r t w i n d o w c l e a n i n g r o b o t
Place the robot on the window you wish to clean, approx-
imately 10 cm from the window frame and make sure
that the robot is perfectly attached to the window before
releasing it.
Use the remote control or smartphone to start the robot.
We recommend using the
move to the top of the window and then start moving in a
zigzag pattern to clean the whole window surface auto-
When the cleaning process is complete, grasp the robot
firmly before disconnecting it with the On/Off switch and
removing it from the glass surface.
function. The robot will
keys on the remote control