Advanced Menu
Your Nacon GM-350L off ers up to 6 diff erent levels of resolution to choose from at the same time. You can
determine a value for each stage. Values range from 200dpi (lowest) up to 8200dpi. You can also activate/
deactivate a stage by clicking the check box in front of the slider.
By clicking the colour box in front of the slider, you can assign a specifi c colour to each stage to better
visualize the selected DPI rate.
If you activate the "XY Independent" option, so can even set up diff erent values for the horizontal and
vertical axis of the Laser sensor.
Your Laser Gaming Mouse comes with built-in multi-color LEDs, illuminating the logo and the design
elements. The lights can be programmed by using these menu options:
• Steady: Backlight is constantly lit.
• Breathe: Backlight is fading on and off slowly.
• Blink: Backlight is continuously turned on and off .
Each option comes with additional parameters, allowing you to further personalise "your" light eff ects.