Hoffman Watershed Manual De Instrucciones página 5

Hoffman cannot assure the safety or effectiveness of any alterations or additions not made by Hoffman Enclosures Inc. However, the following information may
be helpful. These instructions do not eliminate the need to consult with equipment manufacturers and to observe all regulatory agency procedures and safe
practices to assure the proper electrical and mechanical function of Hoffman products in each particular application.
1. Mounting Instructions
a. Wall−mounted enclosures have either an internal mounting means or external mounting feet. Proper fasteners must be used in all mounting holes to secure
the enclosure to the wall.
b. Floor−mounted enclosures have floor−stands (legs) which include mounting plates. Proper fasteners must be used in all mounting holes to securely anchor
the enclosure to the floor.
2. Door Closing Adjustments
a. Two door (floor mounted)
The overlapping doors are factory−fitted to meet evenly at the top and bottom. If the floor under the enclosure is not level, the doors will not close evenly. In
this case, place metal shims under the corners of the enclosure. The enclosure should be bolted in place with the doors closed to prevent tipping when
installing shims. Shims under the right front corner will raise the right door. Shims under the left front corner will raise the left door. It is important that the
doors meet evenly to insure a proper seal against liquids and dust. Be sure all mounting bolts are tightened securely.
When the interior panel is being installed, it may be necessary to bend one or more mounting studs slightly to permit the panel to fit in place. Simply position the
panel on the studs that line up properly and pry the other studs into position with a suitable screwdriver inserted through the panel holes.
The print pocket on the door can be inverted or removed entirely.
This is a difficult operation requiring at least two people. This procedure is best accomplished by using a small diameter punch to drive the hinge pin toward the
bottom of the enclosure. When the hinge pin protrudes about two inches below the bottom hinge barrel, bend the end of the pin 180° so it is shaped like the letter
"J". Use an electric or air powered vibrating hammer fitted with a tool which has a hole in the end to fit over the hinge pin, and drive the hinge pin out while
opening and closing the door. To install the hinge pin, straighten the pin and drive it in with the vibrating hammer while opening and closing the door. Most hinge
pins have one end chamfered, so be sure to start the chamfered end first when installing the pin.
Hoffman cannot assure the safety or effectiveness of any alterations or additions not made in its plant.
Lock kits and latch kits are available for field or factory installation on many types of Hoffman enclosures. Lock kits provide key−locking capabilities. Latch kits
permit rapid access to enclosure interiors while retaining the oil tight and dust tight features.
Louver plate kits provide ventilation in enclosures where internal heat is a problem.
Floor−stand kits for converting wall mounting enclosures to floor mounting are available for field or factory installation on single door NEMA 12 and NEMA 4
Drip shield kits are available for field or factory installation on single door and double door NEMA 12 enclosures.
Electrical interlocks provide a positive internal safety lockout on electrical enclosures while the enclosure contents are energized.
Swing−out panel kits provide a means of mounting gauges, switches, pilot lights and other components near the front of the enclosure.
Safety Lockouts protect personnel and equipment by enabling multiple padlocks to be installed on a de−energized switch.
Window kits are available for many types of Hoffman enclosures.
Corrosion inhibitors protect interior components of enclosures, wireway, consoles, etc. from corrosion. There are no coatings, oils, or greases to apply.
Hole seals are used to seal extra conduit openings, pushbutton holes, cutouts, etc. against dust, dirt, oil, and water.
Terminal kit assemblies provide an easy method to mount terminal blocks in many types of Hoffman enclosures.
Folding Shelves can be used to support instruments and test equipment.
Pedestals are used to provide floor mounting at a working height for small to medium size enclosures.
Standoffs are used for cleaning access on back side of enclosure.
Mounting foot kit is used for external wall−mounting.
Temperature Control options are available to provide an optimal environment for your controls. Options include louvers, filter fans, heat exchangers, air
conditioners, and electric heaters.
Data Pocket Kits offer a convenient place for documentation.
RSPSupply - 1-888-532-2706 - www.RSPSupply.com
Enclosure Alterations
E 2004 Hoffman Enclosures Inc.
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