The therapeutic application should not exceed a maximum of two 20-minute
treatment units per day. Please note that the NOVAFON must be switched
off for 15 minutes after using it for 20 minutes in order to avoid overheating.
When applied to sensitive areas (e.g. face, neck, head) or severely painful
body parts, the duration of application duration should be reduced and ad-
justed to accommodate the individual needs.
Application of liniments (medicated topical preparations): Generally, only ap-
ply small amounts of creams, ointments, cosmetic or medicated liniments on
the skin or place a fine cloth between the device and the skin. Do not allow
liquids or residues to penetrate the NOVAFON so as not to damage it.
Note: The use of local vibration therapy for neurological diseases should only
be carried out by specialists (therapists, physicians, nurses) or after detailed
instruction by such a person.
4.2.1. Spasticity
Spasticity is a common sequence of stroke and other disorders of the cen-
tral and peripheral nervous system. Local vibration therapy, combined with
physiotherapy, provides a simple and drug-free treatment method. A vari-
ety of studies demonstrated a reduction in spasticity as well as improved
motor control and function. The mechanisms of effectiveness are the tonic
vibration reflex and the excitation of the sensorimotor cortex. Taking into
account the contraindications (chapter 5), the spastic muscle itself (flexors) is
treated with 50 Hz (level 2) and the antagonist of the spastic muscle (exten-
sors) with 100 Hz (level 1). The starting point can be directly on the tendon or
on the muscle. It may be treated locally, i.e. focus on one point, or in sweep-
ing movements. The application with the NOVAFON sound wave device
should not exceed 20 minutes per unit. The treatment can be performed up
to 5 times a week. Please keep in mind that using the appliance incorrectly
can lead to increased muscle tone. Stop the treatment immediately if any
side effects occur (see section 5).
4.2.2. Neglect
Several studies have shown an improvement in the visual exploration perfor-
mance in stroke patients with neglect when the neck muscles, contralateral
to the lesion, were stimulated by vibration. This effect stems from the fact
that the stretch receptors in the muscles and tendons of the neck are stim-
ulated by vibration, resulting in an apparent rotation of the head. To carry