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attention, because it will be very useful in phase of installation and use.
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Central unit description
The PROTEC3 is a burglary central unit with microprocessor technology to use on the
whole of a burglary protection system for habitation and commercial rooms of small and middle
It is to be used with the perimetral protection magnetic sensors, and/or with the volumetric
The alarm can be:sounding/luminous,with the autopowered SA310 siren for outdoor use;
sounding, with the piezoelectric SP31 siren for inside use; telephonic, with the TDX16
telephone dialer.
Operating features
System enabling/disabling by built-in mechanic key,or optional command systems
Antiopening protection tamper
Auto-inhibition of every zones, if it not restored, after it had born an alarm
Control LED voltage present,time of exit,alarm state,zones state,alarm memory,fusible
state services
Output activation sirens Ext/Int,positive present of system activated