Surewerx sellstrom Guia De Inicio Rapido página 2

Face shield Window Assembly and Replacement
1. Align all crown window tabs horizontal as in figure 1.
2. Start with the first two crown tabs on either side, insert the
window as in Figure 2. Rotate the tabs downwards to a vertical
position to hold the window in place.
3. Align the remaining tabs with the window holes. Rotate all the
tabs downwards to secure the face shield window. Assure that
the face shield fits securely at all times. Note: Before every use,
verify the tabs are downwards properly securing the window. Do
not use if the window is not secured in place or if any tabs are
Replacement Parts
S30100 – Replacement Crown and Ratcheting headgear
S37599 – Replacement Clear window for S30310
S37600 – Clear aluminum bound polycarbonate window
S37601 – Clear polycarbonate window
WARNING: This polybag is to be removed by the wearer only. Failure to read and follow these instructions and
warnings could result in serious injury, including blindness.
Note: Some materials, which may come into contact with the wearer's skin, could cause allergic reactions in
susceptible individuals. Contact Sellstrom for information. Check with your supervisor to determine whether
this faceshield and window offers the proper protection for the application. Refer to ANSI Z87.1 or CSA Z94.3 for
proper application. Faceshields offer limited eye and face protection against common impact hazards, metal chips,
particles and sparks. They will not provide extraordinary protection against severe impact hazards such as, but
not limited to, fragmenting grinding wheels, high speed projectiles, explosive devices, molten metal or hazardous
fluids. Impact resistant windows are NOT unbreakable or impenetrable. Certain Sellstrom windows do not meet
ANSI Z87.1 + high impact standards and should only be used for basic impact protection as defined by ANSI Z87.1.
Assemblage et remplacement de la visière du masque protecteur
1. Aligner toutes languettes de la visière du casque à l'horizon-
tale, comme indiqué sur la photo 1.
2. Commencer par les deux premières languettes du casque de
chaque côté, et insérer la visière comme indiqué sur la photo
2. Faire tourner les languettes vers le bas, en position verticale
pour maintenir la visière en place.
3. Aligner les languettes restantes sur les trous de la visière.
Faire tourner les languettes vers le bas pour fixer la visière
du masque protecteur. Vérifier que le masque protecteur est
toujours fermement ajusté. Remarque : Avant chaque utilisation,
vérifier que les languettes sont bien tirées vers le bas pour
maintenir correctement la visière. Ne pas utiliser si la visière
n'est pas bien fixée ou si les languettes sont manquantes.
Pièces de rechange
S30100 – Casque et harnais de tête à cliquet de rechange
S37599 – Visière transparente de rechange pour le modèle S30310
S37600 – Visière transparente en polycarbonate cerclée
S37601 – Visière transparente en polycarbonate
Cómo cambiar y armar el visor del protector facial
1. Alinee todas las lengüetas del visor de la corona en posición
horizontal como se muestra en la imagen 1.
2. Inserte el visor como se muestra en la imagen 2, comenzando
con las dos primeras lengüetas de los laterales de la corona.
Gire hacia abajo las lengüetas para que queden en posición
vertical para sujetar el visor.
3. Alinee las demás lengüetas con los orificios del visor. Gire to-
das las lengüetas hacia abajo para sujetar el visor del protector
facial. Asegúrese de que el protector facial esté siempre bien
armado. Nota: Antes de cada uso, fíjese que las lengüetas estén
mirando hacia abajo, de modo que el visor esté bien sujeto. No
utilice el protector facial si el visor no está bien sujeto o si falta
alguna lengüeta.
S30100 – Casco con suspensión tipo matraca y corona de
S37599 – Visor transparente de repuesto para el modelo S30310
S37600 – Visor de policarbonato con uniones de aluminio
S37601 – Visor de policarbonato transparente
This product should not be used for protection in any sport related activity or simulated war games. Use the proper
IR shaded window when exposed to harmful levels of optical radiation, including burning and cutting. A faceshield
will not provide any protection against infra-red or ultraviolet radiation unless the window is marked with a shade
numeral per ANSI Z87.1 and CSA Z94.3. Do not use for Arc Welding. Not suitable for protection against x-rays, gam-
ma rays, high energy particulate radiation or lasers. Inspect faceshield and windows frequently and immediately re-
place if dull, pitted, scratched or damaged. Chemical contact can cause rapid degradation which severely reduces
impact protection. Do not use faceshield until a secure fit has been obtained every time. Primary eye protection, as
defined by ANSI Z87.1 and CSA Z94.3, must be worn whenever using this product. Do not modify in any way.