Parfocality adjustment
In order to have the same focus when observing the
specimen through the eyepieces and on the screen/
monitor, please check that the microscope is properly
installed and follow the instructions below.
7.9.1 Using a biological microscope
1. Use a low power objective and focus the speci-
2. Switch to the highest dry objective available on
the microscope (40x or 60x) and focus the speci-
men again.
3. Turn on the live-view on the camera, without
changing the focus on the microscope.
4. While observing the image on the screen/monitor,
adjust the focus by turning the knurled knob on
the C-mount adapter. (Fig. 16)
7.9.2 Using a stereomicroscope with "C" mount adapter
1. Use a low power magnification and focus the
2. Reach the highest magnification available us-
ing the zoom knob and then focus the specimen
3. Turn on the live-view on the camera, without
changing the focus on the microscope.
4. While observing the image on the screen/monitor,
adjust the focus by turning the knurled knob on
the C-mount adapter. (Fig. 16)
7.9.3 Using a stereomicroscope with projection lens
1. Use a low power magnification and focus the
2. Reach the highest magnification available us-
ing the zoom knob and then focus the specimen
3. Turn on the live-view on the camera, without
changing the focus on the microscope.
4. While observing the image on the screen/monitor,
unscrew the fixing knob ① of the trinocular port
(Fig. 17) and move up or down the movable part
of the adapter ② until the focus is achieved on
the camera. (Fig. 18)
5. Lock the fixing knob ①. (Fig. 17)
The proper parfocality adjustment is obtained when
the same focus is reached when looking into the eye-
pieces and on the screen/monitor.
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ig. 16
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ig. 17
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