4: ATS4000
6: ATSx000A(-IP)-MM/ATSx500A(-IP)-MM
2 / 40
5: ATSx000A(-IP)-SM/ATSx500A(-IP)-SM
EN: Installation Sheet
The ATS7310 enables alarm reporting via GSM for the
following ATS panels:
ATS Advisor Master: ATS1000, ATS2000, 3000, and 4000
ATS Advisor Advanced: ATSx000A(-IP) series, ATSx500(-
IP) series
All reporting formats available through PSTN are fully
functional, including voice reporting and audio listen-in. The
GSM module can be used for primary reporting, as well as
backup reporting (using multiple central stations).
The ATS7310 can establish a reliable connection for remote
up/downloading to and from the ATS panel. In the data mode
the GSM module can establish a connection up to 4800 baud
(for more details and programming options see the Advisor
Master Programming Manual and Advisor Advanced
Programming Manual).
Important notes
Disable the PIN code request on your SIM card (via any
mobile telephone).
For proper operation a GSM card with subscription is
mandatory (not prepaid).
The ATS7310 will only operate (dial/answer) when
connected to the home network.
The product must be used only with the supplied antenna.
P/N 146376999-5 (ML) • REV F • ISS 18SEP15