i'coo Targo Instrucciones Para El Uso página 20

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pulling the wheel sideways.
reMoVIng the Front WheeLS
Pull unlock button to the front (5f). now remove the front
wheel by pulling the wheel sideways.
the country frame has front wheel steering. Simply push the
pushchair into the direction you want and the front wheels
will steer into the desired direction. the wheels will go back
to straight position automatically(5i).
apply the footbrake by pressing down the brake pedal in
the centre of the rear axle (6). a red button will be visible
to indicate that the brake is activated. to release the brake,
push up the brake pedal with your foot. the brake will now
engage automatically. Warning Ð always apply the brake
when parking the pushchair.
adJuStIng the Seat heIght
to adjust the height of the seat or pram, unlock the lock
handles on both sides of the height-adjustment (pram 9a;
seat 12d). Move the seat or pram to the desired position
until the locking mechanism on both sides audibly and visibly
clicks into place (pram 9b; seat 12e). Check that the seat or
pram is securely fit by lifting the seat or pram.
Warning - do not try to adjust the height when a child is in
the seat or pram.
the separate parts (7a).
targo PraM
take the main seat-frame and adjust the legrest adjustment
to the indicated position on the parts (7b). Place the bracket
over the hinge part on both sides and place the bracket on
the back (7b). rotate the handle upwards(7c). Place the
fabric of the Pram inside the frame, canopy on the side of the
handle. Click on the plastic clamps on the bottom of the Pram
to the frame (7d). Zip the backside of the pram around the
frame (7e). take the fabric piece for the canopy and zip on
the hood to the Pram (7e).Connect the press buttons around
the handle (7f). Connect the press buttons around the frame
on the footrest (7g). Place the bootcover and connect the
press buttons (7h).
PLaCIng the targo PraM
take the pram with your hands placed on the central plastic
connector and place the seat to the engaging pins on the frame until
the locking mechanism on both sides audibly and visibly click into
place (8a). Check that the pram is securely fit by lifting the seat.
reMoVIng the PraM FroM the FraMe
to remove the pram from the frame you have to push the unlock
buttons on both sides of the central connection part and lift the unit
vertically (8b).
adJuStIng the PraM heIght
See adJuStIng the Seat heIght of Instruction CIty-FraMe or
Instruction Country-FraMe (9a-b).
targo Seat
ChangIng the PraM to the targo Seat
remove the fabric of the pram and the 2 clip-on tubes from the
frame. only the canopy fabric stays on the frame (10a).
Place the backside of the fabric seat on a flat surface like a table.
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