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Grazie per aver scelto Koala Babycare, per noi la tua
opinione è davvero preziosa.
Koala Silver Cups ha soddisfatto le tue aspettative?
Lascia la tua recensione sulla nostra pagina Amazon e
aiuta molte mamme a scegliere le proprie coppette in
Se invece hai riscontrato qualche problema ti invitiamo
comunicarcelo in modo da poterlo risolvere insieme!
Breastfeeding is one of the best experiences for a new
mom, but there can be some obstacles and pains that
can spoil this lovely moment. One of the most common
obstacle are rhagades, small wounds that appear
because of the rubbing between the palate and the
tongue of the baby.
Thanks to Koala Silver Cups, the 999 silver cups, you
can prevent and cure rhagades, protecting your breast
from external agents and bacteria, and easing the pain
in the first 24/48 of use.
Why to use Koala Silver Cups?
• The Koala Silver Cups are made of 999 silver and
are nickel-free. For more than a century silver has
been used in medicine to treat various types of skin
diseases, in fact it is found that in the presence
of moisture releases substances that have an