The device can be controlled via Bluetooth
be controlled remotely via WiFi with the DOM-E Beghelli App.
USING THE APP SanificaAria Beghelli:
The device can be switched on / off and the fan speed and the on / off timer can be
adjusted via the Beghelli SanificaAria App.
The smartphone connects to the device via Bluetooth
- download the SanificaAria Beghelli App (available on the App Store and Google Play)
and activate it (no need to register, the App works like a simple remote control);
- approach the device, within a range of about 2 meters; as soon as the sanitizer recogni-
zes the presence of the smartphone, the App menu is activated, the sanitizer LED turns
BLUE and the remote control is functional. The Bluetooth® connection remains active
as long as the App is in the foreground on the smartphone; afterwards the sanitizer
LED turns white.
In the event of a power failure, the device loses the information set through the App,
including any timer configuration.
The App signals the exhaustion of the cartridge with a specific ICON.
The device can be controlled (on / off) and adjusted remotely (3 fan speeds and on / off
timer) via the DOM-E Beghelli App. For this use, the sanitizer must be connected to a
2.4GHz WiFi:
- download the DOM-E Beghelli App (available on the App Store and Google Play) and
activate it;
- add the new SanificaAria 200 device to the App using the "+" icon
- follow the instructions on the App for connecting and configuring the WiFi connection
- when requested by the App, press the ON / OFF button of the device for at least 6
seconds; a rapid sequence of "beeps" and the flashing of the LED highlights the con-
nection phase in progress. At the end of the process, after about 2 minutes, the LED
signals normal operation or any anomaly. If necessary, repeat the connection / confi-
In the event of a power failure, any timer configurations set through the DOM-E App are kept by the cloud
system and do not need to be reset.
Note: The timer set with the SanificaAria App and the DOM-E App do not synchronize with each other. It is
recommended to use only one of the two timer modes to avoid confusion.
For the correct operation of SanificaAria, the Sanitization Cartridge must be replaced every 12 months of operation, and
in any case when the device signals this.
To maintain the effectiveness of sanitation, as well as ensure the total absence of ozone emissions harmful to people' s
health, use only original uvOxy
The failure of one of the two uvOxy
to the DOM-E App and lighting up an icon on the Air Sanitizer App. In the event of a single cartridge failure, the sanitizer
continues to operate with reduced effectiveness. When both cartridges are faulty, in addition to the previous notifications,
the sanitizer switches off the fan and activates a continuous periodic acoustic signal: 3 beeps every 30 minutes.
Both cartridges must ALWAYS be replaced even if the reported fault is related to the single cartridge.
Before proceeding with the cartridge replacement, disconnect the device from the power supply
- Open the door of the device
- Unscrew the 2 safety screws
- Slide the cover to remove it from the catch, then pull it out
- Unscrew the safety screws and replace the cartridges only with original uvOxy
- Put the cover back on, tighten the two screws and close the device door
locally with the SanificaAria App and, at the same time, it can also
Beghelli cartridges, also available online (
cartridges is immediately notified by turning on the RED LED, sending a message
Beghelli spare parts (code 26721)