Dwyer 19050G Serie Especificaciones Técnicas – Instrucciones De Instalación Y Operación

Interruptor de presión en atmósferas explosivas
Idiomas disponibles

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Set Point Adjustment
1/2˝ female
Vent Drain
The Model 1950G Explosion-Proof Switch combines
the best features of the popular Dwyer Series 1900
Pressure Switch with a compact explosion-proof housing.
This unit is UL, CSA, FM listed for use in Class I, Groups A*,
B, C, D, Class II, Groups E, F, & G and Class III atmos-
pheres and Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX) Compliant for
II 2G Ex d IIB + H
T6. IECEx certified Ex d IIB + H
40°C < Ta < + 60°C) units are available. It is also totally rain-
tight for outdoor installations. Six models allow set-points
from 0.07 to 20 inches W.C. ( 1.78 mm to 508.0 mm W.C.).
Easy access to the SPDT relay for electrical hook-up is pro-
vided by removing the top plate of the aluminum housing.
A captive screw allows the cover to swing aside while
remaining attached to the unit. Adjustment to the set point
of the switch can be made without disassembly of the
housing. The unit is very compact, about half the weight
and bulk of equivalent conventional explosion-proof
Attention: Units with the "NA" and "IEC" suffixes are not Directive 94/9/EC
(ATEX) compliant. These units are not intended for use in potentially explo-
sive atmospheres in the EU. These units may be CE marked for other
Directives of the EU.
*GR. A is
P.O. Box 373 • Michigan City, IN 46361-0373, U.S.A.
Series 1950G – Integral Explosion-Proof Pressure Switches
Specifications - Installation and Operating Instructions
Ground Screw
T6 (-
UL, CSA, FM Listed For
CL, I GR. A*, B, C, D - CL. II GR. E, F, G - CL. III
Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX) Compliant For
II 2G Ex d IIB + H
EC-Type Certificate Number:
ATEX Standards:
EN60079-0: 2006
EN60079-1: 2007
IECEx Certified for:
Ex d IIB + H
IP54 T6 (-40°C < Ta < +60°C)
IECEx Certificate of Conformity:
IECEx TSA 08.0020X
IECEx Standards:
IEC 60079-0: 2004
IEC 60079-1: 2003
Model 1950G Switches:
Operating ranges and deadbands
To order
specify Model
Inches, W.C.
0.07 to 0.15
0.15 to 0.5
0.4 to 1.6
1.4 to 5.5
3.0 to 11.0
4.0 to 20.0
* Specify either 24 for 24 VDC, 120 for 120 VAC or 240
for 240 VAC when ordering. Example: 1950G-00-B-120
* Add "NA" suffix for models with UL, CSA, and FM approvals only.
Example: 1950G-00-B-120-NA
* Add "IEC" suffix for models which are IECEx certified. Units with
"IEC" suffix feature no other approvals.
Service: Air and compatible combustible gases.
Wetted Materials: Contact Factory.
Temperature Limits: 0 to 140°F (-17 to 60°C). Note: Set point drift
may occur with ambient temperature changes.
Pressure Limits: 45˝ w.c. (11.2 kPa) continuous; 10 psig (68.95
kPa) surge.
Enclosure Rating: IP54, NEMA 3, 7 and 9.
Switch Type: 1 Form C relay (SPDT).
Electrical Rating: 10A, 120/240 VAC, 28 VDC. Resistive 50mA,
125 VDC.
Power Requirements: 24 VDC ±10%. 120 or 240 VAC ±10%
Electrical Connections: Internal Terminal Block.
Process Connections: 1/8˝ female NPT.
Mounting Orientation: Diaphragm in vertical position. Consult
factory for other position orientations.
Set Point Adjustment: Screw type on top of housing.
Weight: 2 lb, 15.7 oz (1.35 kg).
Phone: 219/879-8000
Fax: 219/872-9057
Bulletin E-57G
EMA 03ATEX2402 X
Dead Band
At Min.
At Max.
Set Point
Set Point

Resumen de contenidos para Dwyer 19050G Serie

  • Página 1 0.11 0.06 The Model 1950G Explosion-Proof Switch combines 1950G-1-B-__ 0.4 to 1.6 0.29 0.11 the best features of the popular Dwyer Series 1900 1950G-5-B-__ 1.4 to 5.5 Pressure Switch with a compact explosion-proof housing. 1950G-10-B-__ 3.0 to 11.0 1950G-20-B-__ This unit is UL, CSA, FM listed for use in Class I, Groups A*, 4.0 to 20.0...
  • Página 2 2. Mount standard switches with the diaphragm in a vertical plane ibration, replace the plastic cap and re-check the setpoint. and with switch lettering and Dwyer nameplate in an upright posi- tion. Some switches are position sensitive and may not reset B.
  • Página 3 Die Umgebungstemperaturen können zwischen -17°C und +60°C anderer vergleichbarer Ex-geschützer Schalter. liegen. Der Wächter kann im Freien wie auch in explosionsge- fährdeten Räumen installiert werden. DWYER INSTRUMENTS, INC. Phone: 219/879-8000 www.dwyer-inst.com P.O. Box 373 • Michigan City, IN 46361-0373, U.S.A.
  • Página 4 Temperaturen innerhalb des Gehäuses entstehen belverschraubungen temperaturbeständig bis max. 95°C sein. Die können. Reparaturen müssen von Dwyer Instruments, Inc. ausge- Kabelverschraubung muss als “flameproof” zertifiziert und de- führt werden Gehäusebolzen sind 35 mm lang und haben die mentsprechend einsetzbar sein.
  • Página 5 3.0 à 11.0 in.wc bine les meilleures caractéristiques de la série de pres- (224 Pa) (447 Pa) (750 à 2730 Pa) 1950G-10-B-__ sostats 1900 DWYER avec un boîtier antidéflagrant. 4.0 à 20.0 in.wc 1.2 in.wc 3.0 in.wc 1950G-20-B-__ (1000 à 5000 Pa)
  • Página 6 (c’est-à-dire avec la mem- Connecter le tube de la source de pression au raccord haut brane dans le plan vertical et la plaque de signalisation DWYER pression. Le raccord basse pression est laissé ouvert à l’atmo- en position verticale).
  • Página 7: Especificaciones

    CSA y FM. Ejemplo: 1950G-00-B-120-NA. * Añadir el sufijo “IEC” para modelos certificados. En modelos con la especifi- manómetro de la serie 1900 de Dwyer con una carcasa a cación de sufijo “IEC” no disponen de otros aprobados. prueba de explosiones. Este aparato ostenta el certificado...
  • Página 8: Instalación

    2. Monte el interruptor con el diagrama en un plano vertical y con ADJUSTES la placa del interruptor y el logotipo de Dwyer hacia arriba. Algunos Cambio del valor fijado: interruptores son sensibles a la posición y no se resetearán de A.

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