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©2019 EarthQuaker Devices LLC
Y'all ready to overdrive your earholes with some mid-heavy crunch? Boost your clean tone so loud even
the weirdos smoking outside your big gig will be forced to pay attention? Put your friends to sleep using
words like "Transparent-ish", "Silky", "Brawny" and "Tube-like breakup"? If so, you bought the right
pedal, buds! Welcome to your new Plumes
Small Signal Shredder!
The Plumes is an overdrive based around that classically overdone tube-like circuit you all know, and
amps crave. While this particular circuit has been done to death, we here at EarthQuaker Devices
brand of special effects pedals think the Plumes offers an original take on the old, tired dead horse
everyone loves to beat on. You can't get enough of it, so we are giving you some more. Doctor's orders
and what not....
For starters, we've done away with the sacred 4558 IC and the classic BJT transistor buffers and
replaced them with JFET operational amplifiers and raised the input impedance to nearly 10 megaohms!
This offers lower noise, better signal integrity and more chime in the high end. We power this OpAmp
by taking the 9v input and internally converting it to +/- 9v to give it more headroom. The end result is a
more three-dimensional tone with added clarity that really pushes a nice tube amp over the edge. You
might notice how those badass leads you're always ripping will blast over those awful, no good cymbals
your drummer is constantly bashing around on. It sounds like diamonds...a million f**king diamonds!
We've also added three different clipping options for your consideration. Mode 1 is symmetrical clipping
utilizing a pair of light emitting diodes. This is the crunchiest setting the Plumes has to offer. When
played through a clean amp, it'll deliver a reasonable facsimile of that classic black and gold British
valve amp tone. If you already set your amp dirty, using this mode will make it filthy. Mode 2 is clean
boost mode. This eliminates the soft clipping diodes altogether and leaves you with straight OpAmp
drive. This is perfect for pushing your clean tone out in front or driving the preamp of an already
overdriven amp into tasteful breakup territory. Mode 3 is an asymmetrical silicon diode arrangement
similar to the stock screamer but with more output and clean clarity; the tone some people describe
as "transparent". It's almost as if your clean tone is blended in with a slightly less clean tone, ya know?
Using this mode gives a warmer low-end response and lower output. It's less hard on your amp and
your ears. It's a classic pleasant tone the whole band can enjoy.
Not enough for you? We've also improved the way the classic tone control operates while still leaving
it familiar enough to keep you warm and comfortable. It's still a safe space, no worries in here. It's now
useful through the whole range. The low end is big and clear, and the high end is bright and cutting
without killing the mids. Just the right amount of tonal tickling to excite those ear drums yet still give that
familiar mid-heavy drive.
We hope you enjoy your new Plumes as much as we enjoy building it! Each and every Plumes is built
one-at-a-time by delightful little hands in Akron, Ohio; the charred, black heart in the heart of it all...
<<< English >>>
Gain: This controls the amount of drive.
Tone: More bass to the left, more middles in the middle and more treble to the right.
Level: This controls the output volume.
Clipping Modes (3-Way Toggle):
1: Symmetrical LED clipping - More Crunch and Compression.
2: No clipping - Wide open OpAmp drive for clean boost.
3: Asymmetrical silicon diode clipping - More transparency with a loose feel.
This device takes a standard 9 volt DC power supply with a 2.1mm negative center barrel. We always
recommend pedal-specific, transformer-isolated wall-wart power supplies or multiple isolated-output
supplies. Pedals will make extra noise if there is ripple or unclean power. Switching-type power
supplies, daisy chains and non-pedal specific power supplies do not filter dirty power as well and let
through unwanted noise. DO NOT RUN AT HIGHER VOLTAGES!
Current Draw: 25 mA
Input Impedance: 10 MOhm
Output Impedance: 100 Ohm
This device features Flexi-Switch
Technology! This relay-based, true bypass switching style allows
you to simultaneously use momentary and latching-style switching.
• For standard latching operation, tap the footswitch once to activate the effect and then tap again
to bypass.
• For momentary operation, hold the footswitch down for as long as you'd like to use the effect. Once
you release the switch, the effect will be bypassed.
Since the switching is relay-based, it requires power to pass signal.
This device has a limited lifetime warranty. If it breaks, we will fix it. Should you encounter any issues,
please email [email protected].

Resumen de contenidos para EarthQuaker Devices Plumes

  • Página 1 Warranty We hope you enjoy your new Plumes as much as we enjoy building it! Each and every Plumes is built This device has a limited lifetime warranty. If it breaks, we will fix it. Should you encounter any issues, one-at-a-time by delightful little hands in Akron, Ohio;...
  • Página 2 Modes d’écrêtage (3 positions) : Modos de saturación (conmutador de 3 posiciones): Le Plumes est un overdrive basé sur ce circuit classique de type tube que vous connaissez tous et dont 1 : LED d’écrêtage symétrique – Plus de crunch et de compression.