The universal shaft components must be secured to prevent shifting and falling during transport. If the
components are secured for transport using tension belts, make sure that they remain undamaged.
Stress caused by impacts must be avoided at all costs. Shafts must in no event be rolled or dragged
across the ground.
If the shafts require intermediate storage, this must be done on suitable level ground. During storage,
damage caused by environmental or external factors must be avoided.
The shaft can be unloaded using the two factory-fitted lifting eyes (M8 eye bolts) on the upper side of the
shaft to the left and right of the access dome (see Fig.).
Please note: The shaft must only be unloaded when empty and should be unloaded as quickly as possi-
ble to avoid placing excessive strain on the lifting eyes.
Under no circumstances should anyone stand underneath the suspended load!
Transport, storage and unloading
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