ZENITH-P Series [Control stations]
The company : SCAME PARRE S.p.A.
Via Costa Erta, 15 – 24020 Parre (BG) ITALY
Hereby declares that the following products:
Control stations Type ZENITH-P Code 644.xxxx
(The specific product code and the serial number are indicated in the plate and on the packing.)
to which this declaration refers to, comply with:
IECEx Certification scheme
Compliance was ascertained on the basis of the following standards:
EN 60079-0: 2009
EN 60079-1: 2006
EN 60079-7:2007
EN 60079-18:2006
EN 60079-31:2009
The product also complies with standards EN 60079-0 : 2012+A11:2013, EN 60079-7:2012 and EN 60079-31:2014
since, following the performance of the technical analysis, no substantial changes emerged such as to affect com-
pliance of the product with its ATEX certificate.
ATEX Directive Marking:
*) The specific data pertaining to: protection mode, temperature class, maximum surface temperature and
ambient temperature are indicated on the plate affixed inside the box.
The models belonging to this family of products must be certified SIRA 11ATEX3008 (in compliance with Annex III of
the ATEX Directive), IECEx SIR 11.059 (in conformity to the IECEx diagram) and are subject to notification of the IMQ
08 ATEX 013 Q quality system (in compliance with Annex VII of the ATEX Directive).
Parre, 20/04/2016
VIA COSTA ERTA, 15 - 24020 PARRE (BG) ITALY - TEL. +39 035 705000 - FAX +39 035 703122 -
CAP. SOC: € 5000000 INT. VERS. - REG. SOC. TRIB. BG N. 7421 - C.C.I.A.A. 136163 / C.C.P. 12614244 - COD. FISC. / PARTITA IVA/VAT/TVA 00137900163
Declaration of conformity EU
ATEX/IECEx protection mode *):
Ex d e IIC T4, T5, T6 Gb
Ex d e mb IIC T4, T5, T6 Gb
Ex e mb IIC T4, T5, T6 Gb
Ex t IIIC T80°C, T90°C, T130°C Db IP66 or IP65
Tamb : da -60°C/-50°C a +60°C /+75°C
IEC 60079-0: 2007
IEC 60079-1:2004
IEC 60079-7:2006
IEC 60079-18:2009
IEC 60079-31:2008
Product Development
Giampietro Camilli Engineer
Marketing Manager