Girojet 1 / Girojet 2 : Codes DP8 / DP9
(GB) We certify under our responsability that this product conforms to European Economic Community
standards :
Code : DP8 / DP9
(GB) In conformance With European guidelines (89/392/CEE – 89/336/CCE) and to EN60-204-1 standard
Déclaration du constructeur
La société CIF– 92220 BAGNEUX, France, certifie que le produit répond bien aux directives de la
Communauté Economique Européenne.
(GB) Manufacturer declaration :
CIF company – 92220 BAGNEUX, France, herewith declare that this product conforms to E.E.C.
(E) Declaracion del constructor
La sociedad CIF – 92220 BAGNEUX, France, certifica que este producto satisface las directivas de la
communidad Europea.
Dichiarazione del costruttore
La società CIF – 92220 BAGNEUX, France, attesta che il prodotto risponde alle direttive della Unione
(D) Hersstellererklärung
Hiermit erklärt die Firma CIF- 92220 BAGNEUX, France dass dieses produkt der Richtlinie EWG
In accordance with the following European Decrees :
Directives 73/23/EEC for low voltage machines amended by 93/68/EEC
Directives 98/37 EC for Machines
Directives EMC 89/336/EEC amended by 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC
Bagneux, September 13
Version 12.01
This document is property of CIF, It may not be reproduced without his consent. - © Copyright 2000
11 rue Charles Michels – 92220 Bagneux France
Fax 33 1 4547 1614
Authorised signature
M. Bernard ANDRIOT,
E.C. Conformity Certificate