3. Place the hoist as far back and out as possible.
Carolift can be placed on either sides of the luggage area.
The "legs" of the base can be placed optional, see illustration.
Check that the hoist can rotate without interference from
the vehicle interior.
4. Fix the "legs" to the hoist base.
Decide position of the "legs". One of the two legs shall shoot
out through the square holder, towards the outer, rear part of
the vehicle (fl oor fi xing point).
Use the double-stick tape and attach the threaded spacers to
the chosen holes on each "leg".
The "legs" are fi xed with countersunk screws in the hoist
base, through the threaded spacers and down in the "legs".
5. Floor fi xings
The hoist shall be fi xed at four points
to the fl oor. Use body washers or fl at
iron underneath and on top of the fl oor,
to divert force from the drilled holes.
The inner fi xing point shall be com-
pleted with the spacing tube.
6. Length of hoist arm
If necessary, the hoist arm is cut,
by length or/and by height.
It must be long enough for lifting
the load behind vehicle bumpers
and short enough to allow pas-
sage through rear door opening.
7. Height of hoist arm
Never cut more from height than
just enough to pass under the top
of door opening.
+ extra
Bear in mind that the wheelchair
also must run free from bumper
in down-hill slopes.