3. Declaration of Conformity
According to the guideline machines (2006/42/EC), annex II A, according to EC-guideline
for electromagnetic compatibility EMC (2004/108/EC) and guideline for electrical
appliances for low voltage (2006/95/EC).
Herewith we declare that the machine described below is in its conception and design
and in the shape delivered by us in accordance with the fundamental requirement for
safety and health as prescribed in the applicable EC-guidelines. In the case of any change
or modification of the machine not authorised by us this declaration becomes invalid.
Designation of machine: Drufosmart
Type of machine:
Pressure thermoforming unit
Applicable EC-guidelines:
EC-guideline machines
EC-guideline for electrical appliances for low voltage
EC-guideline for electromagnetic compatibility EMC
Applied harmonised standards:
DIN EN ISO 12100-1:2004-04
DIN EN ISO 12100-1/A1 2009-10 ciples for design; part 1: basic methodology (ISO
DIN EN ISO 12100-2:2004-04
DIN EN ISO 12100-2/A1 2009-10 ciples for design; part 2: technical principles and
EN 13732-1: 2006 Ergonomics of the thermal environment – Methods for the assess-
ment of human responses to contact with surfaces; part 1: Hot
surfaces (ISO 13732-1:2006)
EN 60204-1:2006 Safety of machinery: electric equipment of machinery; part 1:
General requirements (IEC 60204-1:2005)
EN 61010-1:2001 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement,
control and laboratory use; part 1: general requirements
EN 61326-1:2006 Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory
use – EMC requirements; part 1: General requirements (IEC 61326-1:
2005); emission according to living area, ranch of commercial and small
enterprises; interference resistance according to industrial area
Dreve Dentamid GmbH
Max-Planck-Straße 31 · 59423 Unna/Germany
Tel.: +49 2303 8807-40 · Fax: +49 2303 8807-55
Safety of machinery; basic concepts, general prin-
Safety of machinery; basic concepts, general prin-
specifications (ISO 12100-2:2003)
4. Safety advice
Attention! Read the following notes before connecting and putting the unit into
service. The operating service and the function of the unit can only be guaranteed for,
if the general safety and accident prevention instructions of the legislation as well as
the safety instructions of the working instructions are observed.
1. This unit must only be used accord-
and understood the manual. Only in
ing to the present working instructions.
that case the operators may operate
We cannot be held liable for damages
the unit.
which have been caused by improper
treatment resp. faulty manners of oper-
8. The unit has to be examined before
operation in view of proper condition
and operating safety. If the unit is not
2. Put the unit on a stable and even
in proper condition, it must not be used
basis which is suitable for the operation
and has to be marked accordingly.
weight of approx. 16 kg of the unit.
9. The pressure of the compressed air
3. In order to avoid the intrusion of
line must not exceed 10 bars.
water into the unit (e. g. splash water)
10. Do not intrude any objects into
the unit is to be placed into a dry sur-
the unit.
4. Do not store any flammable sub-
11. Do not lock-up the operation ele-
stances in the close surrounding of
ments of the unit.
the unit.
12. Do not block the downwards-mov-
5. The indicated voltage on the type
ing piston.
plate has to meet the voltage of the
13. Do not touch the downwards-mov-
power source.
ing piston.
6. The unit must only be connected
with a socket with protective conductor.
14. The swivelling housing of the radia-
Never touch the plug with wet hands.
tor reaches high temperatures and must
therefore not be touched – not even for
7. Authorised operators: The operating
short moments.
company of the machine has to hold
the working instructions at the oper-
15. If the unit is not used, please dis-
ators' disposal and has to make sure
connect the mains.
that authorised operators have read