6. Get Device Name example
Assumed the device name is CDE-5500
0x 38 30 31 67 34 30 30 30 0D (Get Device Name)
#1 0x 38 30 31 72 34 43 44 45 0D ("C" "D" "E")
#2 0x 38 30 31 72 34 2D 35 35 0D ("-" "5" "5")
#3 0x 38 30 31 72 34 30 30 00 0D ("0" "0" "(NULL)")
#4 0x 38 30 31 72 34 00 00 00 0D ("(NULL)" "(NULL)" "(NULL)")
Assumed the device name is "NMP-302 #1"
0x 38 30 31 67 34 30 30 30 0D (Get Device Name)
#1 0x 38 30 31 72 34 4E 4D 50 0D ("N" "M" "P")
#2 0x 38 30 31 72 34 2D 33 30 0D ("-" "3" "0")
#3 0x 38 30 31 72 34 32 20 23 0D ("2" "(SPACE)" "#")
#4 0x 38 30 31 72 34 31 00 00 0D ("1" "(NULL)" "(NULL)")
7. Get MAC add example
Assumed the MAC address is 00:11:22:aa:bb:cc
0x 38 30 31 67 35 30 30 30 0D (Get MAC add)
#1 0x 38 30 31 72 35 00 11 22 0D ("00" "11" "22")
#2 0x 38 30 31 72 35 aa bb cc 0D ("aa" "bb" "cc")
8. Get RS232 version example
Assumed the version is 3.0.1
0x 38 30 31 67 36 30 30 30 0D (Get RS232 version)
0x 38 30 31 72 36 33 30 31 0D ("301")