formation on the quickest and safest way of
servicing your regulator.
Incorrect preparation for cold water diving
(less than +10 degrees centigrade) may cause
serious damage.
Before diving in cold water, you should follow
specific training under the supervision of spe-
cialized and qualified trainers in cold-water
diving techniques.
You must use specific regulators certified for
such conditions and closely follow the instruc-
tions contained in the relevant handbooks.
Though the risks of freezing are limited as far
as possible by continuous research, it is not
possible to prevent a second stage freezing in
the most extreme conditions.
This could be the case when the water tem-
perature is below +4 degrees centigrade and
with external air temperatures is below zero).
Consequently, in order to prevent or reduce
any possible risks, adequate training is need-
ed to prevent the regulator from freezing.
In extreme conditions you should strictly ob-
serve the following guidelines:
1. Do not use the regulator out of the water
particularly when the external surface tem-
perature is below zero.
2. Never actuate the second stage discharge
pushbutton unless under water.
3. Limit as much as possible the time of rest
on the surface before diving.
4. Avoid actions or situations that may lead to
a rapid release of air from the second stage.
For further information you may contact our
technical office at the following e-mail