Low battery warning
(1)The normal battery warning:
About 1 hour before the battery power is out, the main LED light of KL4M,KL5M,
KL8M,KL12M flashes softly (one time flashing for every five seconds) to remind the user
that the power is nearly used up and needs to be recharged.
If you don't want the flashing to affect the normal lighting, you can press the switch more
than 2 seconds. The main light source will flash two times, and the flashing is away. Then
the cap lamp restores to normal working.
(2)The least battery warning:
When the battery is only able to keep the cap lamp on for 10 minutes, its main light
source will flash with the strong and soft light quickly (one time flashing for every two
seconds). This information is to remind you that the battery is nearly used up and it needs
recharging or exchanging to the auxiliary light source.
Trouble and Troubleshooting
Trouble description
Light is not on
when pressing the button
Insufficient working time
Trouble analysis
Battery power is used up
Battery is not fully charged
Charge the lamp
Making sure the lamp
well connected to the
charger when charging