4.3 Language Setting
1. Menu Language: Set the menu language.
2. Audio Language: Set the preferred audio language.
3. EPG Language: Set the preferred EPG language.
4. Subtitle Language: Set the preferred Subtitle language.
4.4 OSD Setting
1. OSD Transparency: Set the transparency of all menus.
2. Teletext Transparency: Set the transparency of teletext.
3. Info Display Time: Set the display time of the programme information.
4. OSD Animation: set the on-off of the OSD animation.
5. Font Size: Set the OSD font size.
4.5 System Time Setting
You can setup the system time.
1. Time Zone: Set the time zone according to your city.
2. Summer Time: Display the summer time on or off according to the time
3. Sync Source: if you set TDT, the system time will be got from the stream
signal, if you set Network, the system time will be got from the network.