proper processing times, fail to vent steam from pressure cooker properly,
process at lower pressure than specified, process for fewer minutes than
specified, or cool the pressure cooker with water .
4 . Finishing Touches:
Testing the Lid for a Proper Seal:
Most two-piece lids will seal with a "pop" sound while they're cooling . When it
is completely cooled, test the lid . It should be curved downward and should not
move when pressed with a finger . If a jar is not sealed, refrigerate it and use the
unspoiled food within two to three days or freeze it .
If liquid has been lost from sealed jars do not open them to replace it, simply
plan to use these first . The food may discolor, but if sealed, the food is safe to
consume .
Unsealed Jars: What to Do
If a lid fails to seal, you must reprocess within 24 hours . Remove the lid, and
check the jar-sealing surface for tiny nicks . If necessary, change the jar . Always
use a new, properly prepared lid, and reprocess using the same processing time .
The quality of reprocessed food is poor .
Instead of reprocessing, unsealed jars of food also can be frozen . Transfer food
to a freezer-safe container and freeze . Single, unsealed jars can be refrigerated
and used within several days .
Always Inspect Canned Food Before Consuming:
Just as you would avoid a foul smelling, leaking or opened jar of food at the
supermarket, don't taste or use home canned food that shows any sign of spoi-
lage . Examine all jars before opening them . A bulging lid or leaking jar is almost
always a sure sign of spoilage . When you open the jar, look for other signs such
as spurting liquid, unusual odor or mold .
Sterilization of empty jars
Use sterile jars for all boiling water bath recipes . To sterilize empty jars, put them
right side up on the rack in a boiling-water bath . Fill the bath and jars with hot
(not boiling) water to 1 inch above the tops of the jars . Boil 10 minutes . Remove
and drain hot sterilized jars one at a time . Save the hot water for processing filled
jars . Fill jars with food, add lids, and tighten screw bands .
Empty jars used for vegetables, meats, and fruits to be processed in a pressure
cooker need not be sterilized beforehand . It is also unnecessary to sterilize jars
for fruits, tomatoes, and pickled or fermented foods that will be processed 10
minutes or longer in a boiling-water canner .
Label and Store Jars:
The screw bands should be removed from the sealed jars to prevent them from
rusting on . The screw bands should then be washed, dried, and stored for later
use .
Store in a clean, cool, dark, dry place . The best temperature is between 50 and
70°F . Avoid storing canned foods in a warm place near hot pipes, a range or a
furnace, or in direct sunlight . They lose quality in a few weeks or months, depen-
ding on the temperature and may even spoil . Keep canned goods dry . Dampness
may corrode metal lids and cause leakage so food will spoil . For best quality, use
canned foods within one year .
Important Home Canning Safeguards
All of the Home Canning Recipes provided in this cookbook have been tested
for quality and proper timing to meet food safety standards . As long as the
instructions are carefully followed the end result will be a wholesome and shelf
stable product . However, when using or adapting your own recipes, please be
sure that you process the recipes with enough time . If foods are not canned
properly, consuming them may be harmful or fatal . Never attempt to make rough
calculations on your own recipes .
If you have specific questions relating to proper methods of canning foods or
timing charts- please refer to the US Department of Agriculture Website .
Another useful source of information about home canning is The National Center
for Home Food Preservation: