Ok: There will be a warning sound when the quantity of the articles
is between the upper and lower limit (including the upper and
lower limits).
Lo: There will be a warning sound when the material quantity is
less than the lower limit, and the weight of the material is more
than 20 divisions
Out: There will be a warning sound when the material quantity
exceeds the upper or lower limits, and the weight of the material is
more than 20 divisions
no.beep: No sound alarm.
external equipment setting:
PC: computer output
U.KEY: U.KEY connector works with PC to send the weighing data
to computer (WinXP/Win7) in form of Excel and so on.
baud rate setting: 9600, 4800, 2400
printing modes setting
contin: Printing continually
stable: Printing automatically when get a stable weight (more than 20d)
key: Printing by pressing keys