not possible to enter the programming mode:
The time and temperature displays will blink
"door" for 3 seconds and then they will
resume their ordinary readings.
2) Alarm E1: water in the tub.
If water in the tub is detected before the start
of a cycle, all functions are disabled. The
alarm will disappear as soon as water reaches
below the safety level. This alarm does not
involve buzzer actuation and is called off
only when the machine is switched off and
then on again, or else, 5 minutes into the
alarm, this is automatically removed and the
door is unlocked. Of course, if when the
machine is switched back on alarm causes
are still there, the display will highlight this
The sources of this fault are either the drain
(make sure that the solenoid valve is clean
and in good working order) or the built-in
level pressure switch.
3) Alarm E2: Water level alarm
The water level required by the cycle step in
progress has not been reached after taking in
water for 3 minutes. This alarm signal will
automatically disappear as soon as the tub
receives the required amount of water. This
alarm has no effect on the cycle, which is
resumed automatically as soon as the correct
water level is reached. If the correct level
fails to be reached after water has been taken
in for 5 more minutes, the cycle is stopped
and the buzzer is activated. The alarm is
called off only when the machine is switched
off and then on again, or else, 5 minutes into
the alarm buzzer, this is automatically
stopped and the door is unlocked. Of course,
if, when the machine is switched back on,
alarm causes are still there, the display will
highlight this condition.
Possible causes: poor water pressure in the
mains, a clogged filter in the intake solenoid
valve, failure of the water-level detection
system (the pipe connected the pressure
switch on the electronic card), a closed supply
tap, failure of the drain electrical valve or a
leak in the same; in this case the machine
takes water in properly but is simultaneously
drained, so that the programmed level takes
long to be reached or is never reached
4) Alarm E3: Drain alarm.
Water has failed to drain below the safety
level after one minute. The cycle will be
resumed after water has reached below the
safety level, with no effect on cycle
completion. The buzzer is not actuated. As
for the causes, see alarm E1.
5) Alarm E4: Heating alarm
After the heating has worked for 20 minutes,
the temperature has not risen by at least 5°C,
and yet the cycle proceeds normally. This
alarm will automatically disappear as soon
as the temperature reaches the established
value. The buzzer is not actuated. Possible
causes: an incorrect connection of the heating
elements, scale and/or lint on the heating
elements, which reduce their performance.
It is advisable to also check that the warm
water inlet has been connected properly: if
the cold and warm water inlets have been
inverted, and the drum is consequently fed
cold water only, heating times will be
abnormally increased.
The heating elements are equipped with a
fuse that opens the circuit in case of
malfunction (e.g. heaters switched on with
drum empty).
When the fuse has tripped (each heater has
one) the heating element cannot be reused or
repaired and will have to be replaced.
The tripping of this safety device may cause
repeated occurrences of alarm E4, no matter
the selected cycle or temperature.
6) Alarm E5: Overtemperature alarm -
disconnected temperature probe
Water temperature has exceeded 95°C or the
temperature probe is either broken or
disconnected. The wash cycle is aborted and
the buzzer is activated. This alarm can only
be called off by switching the machine of
and then on again or else, 5 minutes into the
alarm, this is automatically removed and the
door is unlocked. Of course, if when the
machine is switched back on alarm causes
are still there, the display will highlight this
7) Alarm E7: Door alarm
if door damage is detected during operation,
whatever the cause, then this alarm takes
over, the cycle is immediately aborted and
the tub is drained. The alarm is called off
only when the machine is switched off and
then on again. Of course, if, when the machine
is switched back on, alarm causes are still
there, the display will highlight this condition.
8) Alarm E8: Level alarm
a water level 10 cm above the established
height is detected: the cycle is aborted and
the buzzer is actuated. To remove this alarm,
just switch the machine off and then on
again. Of course, if, when the machine is
switched back on, alarm causes are still
there, the display will highlight this condition.
Alarm causes: the sensor that measures the
water level in the tub or an take-in electrical
valve blocked open.
CAUTION! this fault can also be caused by
the use of foamy soap.
9) Alarm E9: Out-of-balance (tilt) alarm
When this alarm takes over, the step in
progress is stopped but the cycle is not
aborted. The motor is disenergised for 200
or 90 seconds on high-speed spin and low-
speed spin respectively. After so pausing, a
distribution step is performed for 90 seconds
in order for the laundry to be spread correctly.
Alarms occurring during intermediate spin
are not displayed: after distribution, the cycle
overrides the spinning step and proceeds.
Conversely, alarms intervening during final
spin blink E9: after distribution, the machine
makes further spinning attempts. The
machine makes up to a maximum of 15
attempts and if it still fails to spin, the alarm
sign E9 is lit continuously, the buzzer is
actuated and the cycle is aborted. The alarm
is called off only when the machine is
switched off and then on again. Of course, if,
when the machine is switched back on, alarm
causes are still there, the display will highlight
this condition.
Alarm causes may be an incorrect laundry
load (too little or too big), unlevel machine
positioning or dampers worn out through
repeated incorrect loads.
10) Alarm E0: Motor overload cutout
In case of motor fault of any kind:
overloading, overheating, misconnection,
etc., the motor goes to idle and the message
E0 blinks on the display. The motor goes to
idle and waits for 150sec. After this safety
time the machine performs a distribution
step and then makes a new attempt. If after
five attempts the alarm is triggered again,
the cycle will be aborted, the display will
flash the alarm and the buzzer will be heard
for 5 minutes on end. After that the system
will be reset automatically.
11) No cycle is enabled "CYCLE" alarm
On switching on the machine the displays
read "CYCLE". Enable at least one wash
program using the "Ci" function described
in section 7.3 Configuration of settings.
If a voltage drop longer than 3 sec. occurs
during a wash cycle, on being re-energised
all the luminous devices the machine is
fitted with (wash step LEDS, time, cycle and
temperature displays) are reset: they flash
for one minute with all functions disabled.
As soon as normal work conditions are
restored the cycle will automatically be
resumed from the beginning of the step that
was underway when the voltage drop
occurred and displays will resume their
normal functions. Conversely, if the door is
open when the machine is re-energised, the
cycle will be aborted
ATTENTION If the ON - OFF switch is
actuated to turn machine off after the
cycle has been started, the machine will
behave as if a voltage drop has occurred.
When carrying out the first cycle, verify the
- Soap dispensers must stay clean:
dispenser A after taking in pre-wash water;
dispenser B after taking in wash water;