6. Messages
in the right down corner of the screen means incoming message. If your mailbox
is full, the icon
To create a message, select [MESSAGES] - [write message].
Enter message by using number buttons. To switch the mode (first letters, numbers)
use button #. Button * provides additional symbols (rackets, punctuation signs, etc.). To
delete last symbol press End button. To delete the entire message press and hold End
button for 2 sec.
Incoming messages are saved in incoming folder, outgoing messages – in outgoing
folder. In draft folder you may save unsent messages.
7. Phonebook
You may save phone number with corresponding name in the phone memory and on the
SIM-card. Contact information of the phone memory is marked as
You may add new contact as follows: Enter phone number in standby mode, press Call
button - [save to phonebook] – choose storage (phone or SIM) - enter contact name and
press End button.
Second mode: choose [PHONEBOOK] in the menu - press Call button - [add new
contact]. Choose storage place, enter the name and number of the contact, then confirm
by pressing Call button.
Contact search: in standby mode press down button to call the contact list. Enter first
letters of the contact name (up to 5 letters) for quick search. Button # switches the input
mode (123, abc) to look through the entire list.
Press Call button for the contact and choose the operation (call, message, edit etc.).
[PHONEBOOK] – Call button - [speed dial]: You may enter up to 10 numbers for speed
dial and dial by pressing and holding appropriate buttons for 2 sec. (buttons 2-9 and «#»
or «*» in standby mode).
will blink until you delete some messages.