This menu allows to load audio files to the system, as well as monitor the uploaded ones.
To upload messages press the "Select File/s" option. In the file explorer select desired messages,
check their status in messages list and then click "Upload".
In order to monitor, stop and delete a message press the keys triangle, square and X respectively.
The message is played by the speakers of the PC used for set up.
The button "delete all messages" deletes all messages simultaneously.
If message format is not correct, its name will appear in red under the "Select File/s" button and
( ) icon will appear next to it.
If a message is assigned to an input contact or to a time schedule, this assignment will be
indicated below the message to prevent it from being erased by mistake and leave a schedule
without a file. If a message associated with a schedule is deleted, it will be shown in red to indicate
that it will not work.
Simultaneous message load is limited to a maximum of 100 MB.
Image 13. Message management.
SMM-8SA v2.0
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